Father's Day

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Trigger Warning: Implied intrusive thoughts; Implied stimming (just a bit of it); Mostly blind character; Graveyard; Alcohol
Characters: Robbie, Anti, Angus, and Henrik
Summary: Just a little Father's Day one-shot with Henrik and his children that got delayed because I was writing other things.
Note: Remember my version of Angus is dead, so Henrik visits his grave, and Robbie has bit of a speech impediment. And yes, that image was picked on purpose.

Henrik looked at the grave of the hunter as he got out of the car. He grabbed the sunflowers he was going to drop off at the grave quickly because he forgot to grab them last time. He looked at the grave again and noticed something upsetting; Someone split alcohol all over it.

Kids really shouldn't be partying here, he thought. They got it all over his grave. The doctor quickly approached the grave. He should really have a word with the graveyard owner about people partying back here. This was the fifth time this has happened.

The doctor sat down the flowers and pulled out cleaning wipes from his pockets. After all these times that this has happened, he came prepared just in case. He glanced around in case someone was there and then began cleaning it. The cleaning took a while, but eventually, he got it all off.

"There we go, good as new," He exclaimed to no one in particular. It wasn't like his dead son could hear, much less, speak back to him. He backed away and chose to start doing this visit properly.

"Sorry for stepping right where you were buried at, Angus. I just wanted to clean your grave after people came out here and partied a little to hard," The doctor explained, looking at the grave. He fidgeted slightly as his upper torso swung back and forth a bit. "Anyway, how's the afterlife treating you?"

The doctor paused as if he was letting Angus tell him but couldn't hear him. "Well, that's good or bad, I couldn't hear you. I'm sorry that is happening or grateful that is happening, kind of can't tell." He chuckled sadly after saying that.

"Life for me is going great. Anti isn't threatening me or the others anymore. In fact, he's living with me and the others now. Robbie is well in school, just like always...." He trailed off, looking down. "I really wish you could of met them before you died. Robbie would've loved you, and Anti would've bonded with you a lot."

Henrik snapped his attention back to the grave. "Sorry about my rambling. I just wanted to fill you in on your brothers, even if you never got the chance to meet them.... I should be going now, those two promised to do something for Father's Day. I don't want to be late and possibly ruin days of preparation. Take care, Angus."

The doctor waved goodbye and left, heading to his car. As he approached it, he noticed fog was on his window. He tilted his head as he got closer. Someone apparently also drew and wrote in the sudden fog.

Henrik glanced around in case and got a closer look. Someone drew a heart with the words, "Happy Father's Day" in the middle of it. The handwriting looked familiar to him, almost like.... "Angus?"

The doctor looked around only to find no one. He was completely alone. When he was aware he was alone, he hopped in the car and started driving, a bit confused but not worried.

Besides, someone it was just drew on his window, why should he worry or be upset? The drawing was harmless and had no ill intent. He was just confused as of why it looked like Angus's handwriting.

The doctor tried his best to shake those thoughts out of his head as he drove, but they always came back. After about ten minutes, he made it to the house.

Henrik quickly turned the car ignition off and glanced at the passenger window. The drawing and writing were gone. His thought was it probably went away while he was drawing, but another thought begged him to believe he was just seeing things.

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