Part X Eleven

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It took a little over two days, but I managed to track Killua down. Having no chakra made it hard to pinpoint locations, and Killua was constantly moving around, so his scent was leading me around in long, winding trails. When I found him, he was walking calmly through the forest, surrounded by thick trees with branches perfect for jumping on.

I stood on one of the branches directly above Killua. He seemed to notice someone was nearby and scanned the area. When he finally looked up, he smiled at me and motioned me down. "Sorry, it took so long, Killua. You sure do move around a lot."

Killua raised a brow but shook it off, "It's okay, Mister Kakashi. I figured it would take at least a day. This island is pretty big, after all." I smiled at the kid, my eye curving to show it. 

"Have you gotten your tag yet?" Killua shook his head. 

"No, but I've felt some people following me for a while. I'm probably one of their targets."

I nodded and expanded my senses, pulling my mask slightly outwards so I could get a better scent of the area. There were people here... three at the moment not including Killua or myself. Killua turned around and scanned the trees. "You're wasting your time. Follow us all you want, but I'm not giving you a chance to attack." There was silence for a moment before a chuckle sounded from behind some roots. Killua sighed before walking over.

I sighed, too, before following the white-haired boy.

There was a strong scent of distress while the kid calmly walked to the tree the person was behind. I can tell whoever it was was sweating profusely. Having a solid nose has its perks, but it has quite a few drawbacks as well.

When we got close enough to see the person hiding, two more people came out of the trees. They're the three who were following Killua.

If I remember correctly, they're the Amori Brothers, and two of them are our targets.

Killuas' target is the big one in yellow, Umori. My target is the one in the blue sweater, Imori. The older two brothers walked up to the younger one and punched him. "What the hell is wrong with you? You can't even beat a weak little kid and his old grandpa? Gimme a break, you idiot!"

Uh, excuse me? You're going to turn your back on the assassins that you just insulted? These people are either very confident or just plain stupid. I cleared my throat to grab their attention. All three of their heads whipped to us. "One, I'm twenty-eight. Two, you insulted a person with the ability to punch straight through your chest. And three, it pissed me off."

I sent the brothers a glare that could scare any Veteran Ninja, and as I expected, they froze. With them in this vulnerable position, I could power up my Chidori and take care of them or I could scare them enough to where they'll never want to retake the exam. Hmm, both options are tempting, but I want to limit the number of people I kill in this world. There are other ways to become a known threat.

I uncovered my Sharingan. Time for some serious Genjutsu. It might not be my specialty, but I did learn a few things from having Uchiha teammates in the Anbu and fighting them in the war. Kurenai might've taught Sakura a thing or two, and I may or may not have copied them... Oh well, it's not like either is here to care.

The three fell for it easily. They wouldn't be able to tell it was there in the first place. The Genjutsu showed the three their worst nightmares. The three had some distinct fears, but they all shared a certain one: Losing each other.

Killua was looking at my Sharingan with wonder but quickly hid it and instead watched as the brothers writhed and screamed on the ground. It was bound to catch the attention of nearby applicants, so I motioned Killua to take his number tag. I grabbed mine and the extra before picking Killua up and taking off into the trees. He could have probably kept up, but I can charge my legs with chakra to increase my speed faster than Killua could go at the moment.

"What the hell? Let me go!" I looked down at the child in my arms... 


( ̄。。 ̄)( ̄。。 ̄)( ̄。。 ̄)( ̄。。 ̄)( ̄。。 ̄)( ̄。。 ̄)

749 words.

sorry, I'm late.

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