Part X Thirty-Three

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I realize now that Illumi replaced Uvogin after his death and was not originally there, but well... this is my story I'll write it how I want to. This just means more scenes between Kakashi and Illumi.


The small child would not let go of me. Some of the other Spiders, because apparently, they were spiders, thought Kortopis' actions to be out of character for him. Why was he clinging onto me in particular? There are plenty of other people in the room.

"Uhm, Kortopi?" the little boy grunted, "What are you doing?" He clutched my pants leg between his small fists and squished his face into my thigh. He was very small, smaller than Naruto had been at twelve. I could feel him shaking his head at Chrollo's question.

"It's fine, I guess." I shrugged at Chrollo before awkwardly shuffling further into the room. Hisoka snickered behind me, I sent him a glare but refocused my attention on Chrollo as he pushed himself up.

"Very well then, as you all know we will be sneaking into the Auction tonight to rob them blind, we will take absolutely everything they have to offer. Kortopi will use his Nen ability to duplicate all of the items so as to not create suspicion at first. I'm sure eventually someone will realize that they are not the authentic items." The boy peeked up when his name was mentioned. I assume he deemed this important enough to pay close attention to. "Tonight we will be in and out before anyone realizes we are there.

There were hushed whispers as most members smiled at one another and their boss. Illumi spoke up, "And how will we transport these items? I know there are hundreds of auction items that will sell."

Chrollo nodded, it was an understandable question. "That is what Kakashi is here for. I'm sure you were all wondering." Almost every pair of eyes settled onto me at the mention of my name. Kortopi peered up at me with that cute little puppy dog eye. "Kakashi can store items into scrolls, I'm not too familiar with his technique, I've only heard from a first-hand source." Well, that was a simple explanation but I guess it suffices.

The little man with black hair glared at me, Feitan his name was. "He has no nen. That is not possible." His speech was choppy, like he hadn't had to speak much in the past or like he was new to learning a language.

With my signature smile, I addressed his question. "It's not. I'm simply an anomaly." he glared harder, tilting his head down. I could tell he was a naturally angry little dude. Almost like a genin Sasuke.

"That is not important right now," Chrollo interrupted, "Kakashi has made a deal with me and this is going to be a mutually beneficial agreement." The spiders all focussed back on Chrollo, and Kortopi gipped me tighter. I gently pat his head, his gray hair was softer than I expected.

"We will infiltrate through the back while two of our members enter as buyers. One of you will sneak away and open a back entrance so we may enter. We will not be able to achieve our goals without Kortopi and Kakashi so they will be a top priority on this mission. Once we have everything we need we will exit through the back entrance. Any people we encounter shall be dealt with immediately." Chrollo glanced around at his subordinates, "Does everyone agree with this plan?"

There were nods of agreement, it sounded like a good plan. I have to take into account that none of these people have any sort of Shinobi training. Their plans are never going to be as stable and detailed as they are when a Nara makes them. Once everyone agreed, Chrollo dismissed them. He motioned for Hisoka and I to join him but there was shouting coming from one of the Spiders.

"Boss! Tell me we can kill them! Oh, please tell me we can kill some auctiongoers!" It came from Uvogin, the big man with the silver mane. He looked a bit like a mix between Jiraiya and me... I regret thinking that and I wish I could take my brain out of my skull and wash it under cold water. Very unpleasant thought on my part.

A few other members agreed, asking about murder. They all had looks of adoration plastered on their faces. They must really admire and look up to him. Even Kortopi was bouncing in place beside me, I guess the thought of murder excited even him.

"I will allow it." There were cheers echoing through the building, "On one condition." The cheers quieted, Spiders glancing at one another in anticipation. "We must complete the mission first, only then will I give you this treat." The spiders all eagerly nodded, agreeing with the terms easily.

A few of the members left to roam the streets and scope the area out. Hisoka pushed me forward slightly and weaved around me to walk towards Chrollo, not checking to see if I'd follow.

I looked down at the mop of gray hair attached to my leg, Kortopi blinked cutely up at me. I gently tried to push him off of me but he wasn't letting go. Kortopi whined slightly as I added more pressure to push him off. Why does he want to hang onto me so badly? I added a tiny bit of water-natured chakra to the spots where his hands were holding my leg. The firm grip he held eased slightly as his hands became slippery. I stepped away from the boy as he sat on the ground, staring at his dry hands in childlike wonder.

Chrollo greeted me with a pleased smile as I stepped up to stand with him, Hisoka, and Illumi. "Kakashi, how nice to see you again." I nodded and politely smiled back, my eye closing and curving. I looked over at Illumi and winked, not that he could tell the difference between a wink and a blink from me.

"Chrollo, I have a question about the auction." Chrollo nodded inquisitively. "Greed Island, will that be an item for sale?"

Chrollo nodded once more, "Yes, there will be at least seven copies of the game auctioned off. Were you looking for it?" I nodded, glancing at Illumi from the corner of my eye. It was his little brother I would be taking with me into the game, and I have it on good conscious that he was an extremely overprotective brother.

"Yes. I was planning on going in and seeing what all the hype is about."

"Well, with your help on this mission, I think I could spare a copy for you. It's only fair after all. We do have a deal." Chrollo spread his arms out, his jacket billowing away from his sides giving me a nice view of his bare chest and well-toned stomach. He obviously trained his body, he didn't seem the type at first glance but now I could see the dancer's body he hid beneath a suit. Good for flexibility and speed.

When I looked away from Chrollo's abdomen, I saw that Hisoka had a smirk on his face and a knowing glint in his golden eyes. What the hell was he looking at me like that for? I was just admiring what was openly presented to me. Illumi had his usual emotionless face but after spending so much time around the Uchiha clan and Sai I could confidently say there was a bit of confusion deep in his inky black eyes. I guess Illumi wasn't very aware of normal human interactions and emotions.

"Thank you, you're really saving me a lot of money here. Especially since had I bought one it wouldn't have been real." I closed my eye in a lazy grin, slouching further into myself and stuffing my hands in my pockets, a stale stance in the Nara clan. "I would have been real pissed off had that been the case." I radiated an intimidation aura for half a second, not laced with any killing intent, I wasn't foolish enough to do that in a room full of crazy murderers.

Even so, I got my point across.

"Then I'm very glad you decided to join us tonight. It will be a few hours before we must act, you are free to do whatever you wish until then. I expect us to depart no later than midnight." Hisoka and I agreed, Illumi nodding along as if it were no bother at all to him. Chrollo sat back down on his piece of concrete and reopened his book. What a wonderful idea. I reached into my thigh pouch to grab my own book but my arm was grabbed and I was pulled away before I could.

My eye met gold and Hisoka pulled me farther away, Illumi trailing leisurely along behind us. As we passed him by, I waved to Kortopi, his large eye shining as I gave him attention.

Hisoka didn't let go of me until we were all the way back in my hotel room, Illumi shutting the door behind himself. I put my hands up in a placating gesture.

"I don't participate in threesomes without prior discussion and consent!"

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