Part X Five

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Kakashi pov.

We were all ushered off the blimp. "This is the third phase of this year's Hunter Exams. Your task is to make it to the bottom of Trick Tower in 72 hours. If you fail, you will be disqualified."

And with that short announcement, Netero and Bean left on the Blimp. One guy tried to climb down the side, but a giant ugly bird thing ate him. I chuckled. Dumbass. People started walking around looking for an entrance; some people were smart enough to find one, and some people found some accidentally. Gon and Killua managed to find five spots to enter. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and I all got ready to jump down. "Remember, if one of us gets a trap, no hard feelings."

All four of them jump down, and right as I'm about to, Tompa pushes me away and goes down himself. "Hey, Asshole! I was about to-- whatever. It's useless now." I sighed. Well, now I have to find another entrance. Hopefully, I'll be alone. I work best when I'm by myself. S-Rank solo missions as an ANBU will do that to you.

As I was looking around the ground, I hit one. The floor flipped out from under me. My first instinct is to Chakra walk, so I do. The room was dark but there was a single torch on the wall and a door on the other side of the room. Standing in the middle of the room was that Hisoka Clown guy. He had a sadistic smirk on his face. He was shuffling a deck of cards.

I let myself drop to the ground. "Hello, Number 40 and Number 44. This is your examiner Lippo, I run the prison here in Trick Tower. To leave this phase you will each go through a room that will alternate through some of your deepest memories. You will be alternating who goes to every room, and the one who will not be seeing their memory will have to watch the other. They will be realistic holograms, so they cannot hurt you and you cannot stop them. If you forfeit you will get a strike. More than three strikes and you will be disqualified. Any questions?"

"If we get three strikes we'll be safe?~" 

"Yes, but any more than that you will be disqualified. When the door opens you may begin." Hisoka walked to the door, and I was hesitant to follow. 

"You will go first~" No room to argue is there? Nope. 

"Whatever." The door beeped and slid up into the wall. I walked in first.

"Now then, Number 40 is going first. Number 44, if you will stand in the far corner of the room. A glass wall will separate the room. You will still see and hear everything." Hisoka obeyed, and the wall fell from the ceiling. "We will begin in 3...2...1..."

Memory~ Begin.

A young Kakashi walked through the Village Hidden in the Leaves. On his way home from training, Guy dragged him into. Whispers were thrown around, fingers pointed towards him. Kakashi knew what they were about. His father had recently taken a mission to collect information in another village.

His father chose to save his team over the mission. It's been the talk around town for weeks now. Kakashi didn't know why saving them wasn't as important as the mission, but even the lives he saved had turned against him. So by the time Kakashi makes it home it's already dark.

As Kakashi was about to open the door, a young Guy ran up to him. "Kakashi! My eternal rival, I challenge you to a duel! The first one to make it home wins!" Young Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "You do know I'm right in front of my house correct? There is no doubt about it, I'll win."

Guy faltered. "Oh, I guess you're right. But tomorrow, I'll challenge you again!" Guy ran off again. Kakashi rolled his eyes. A storm was starting up, and it started to rain. Thunder boomed behind him as he opened the door. "Father! I'm home from training!" No reply. Kakashi took his sandals off and set them aside. As well as his ninja pouch, and scarf.

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