Part X Eighteen

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Standing in front of a man that you know isn't who he says he is is pretty unnerving. But then again, I'm also not telling everyone the truth about myself. I'm not flat-out lying, though. I am still Kakashi Hatake, Copy Nin. But no one has to know about the last little bit. Gasp~, can I copy these so-called Nen techniques? Oh, that would be so cool.

Gitturakur, or Illumi, I should say, stood and looked me straight in the eye. He didn't have any emotions behind them, nor did he give any indication of emotion on the other features of his face. It was creepy, but almost the whole of Konoha was trained in the act of concealing their emotions.

There wasn't any movement between us or anyone. But there is still the chance he could fight one of my friends.

With a skip in my step, I walked right up to him. He didn't move, and so I didn't attempt to hurt him. Yet.

I turned my back to the rest of the room, leaving me and Illumi eye to eye. I reached up, pulling my headband away from my eye. I could see Illumi's hand, armed with five needles, ready to throw, but I didn't pay him any mind. I could move away if needed.

His eyes turned away from mine, focusing on my hair, an intelligent guy. He was bound to screw up at some point. "What? Afraid of a little eye contact?"

He didn't move, unperturbed by my taunts. This is going to be one slow fight. "Oh, come on now, you can do better than that, can't you? Wouldn't want to give little Killua," his hand twitched, and his eyes barely moved, but it was enough, "the illusion that you're weak, now would you?"

Our surroundings faded away. Along with his disguise and weapons. He was caught in my Genjutsu. I don't know if that energy he harbors can break one, but I guess we'll see.

The walls faded into the forest from home, the people, gone. The Hokage monument was visible in the background.

Welcome to team seven's training ground, Illumi. You're about to be taught a lesson.

Now, should I try physiological torture, or should I actually fight the man? Maybe a bit of both? I already have a plan for how this is going to end, but that doesn't mean I can't play around a bit.

"Welcome to my home, Illumi. This is where I grew up. Maybe I can show you a few things I learned growing up?"

"What's the point of this? I don't know how you're doing it, but I will find out, and when I do, you're going to regret messing with a Zoldyck."

A Zoldyck? So he's related to Killua? Was that a slipup or did he mean to reveal that?

"Why don't you sit back and relax? You're a trained assassin. Maybe the things I did growing up won't phase you too badly." His eyes widened a minuscule amount, barely enough for me to even catch. "Have some fun, Illumi. Don't be so tense."

The same dark eyes hardened into a glare, and the man lunged. His normal fingernails sharpened into claws, the same technique Killua uses, must be a familial thing.

Even though the assassin was fast, training for years with the fastest man alive made this out to be nothing. I dodged to the left and grabbed his wrist with my right. If he moves, I'll break his wrist with barely a twist.

He noticed the same thing, freezing before it could snap. He used his other hand to reach into a pocket, drawing out a few of his needles. With a quick hand sign, a clone grabbed his other wrist, pinning his arm back (pun intended).

Using his only remaining option, he threw his leg over his shoulder and kicked me in the face. Ow.

(Like this, but he kicks Kakashi in the face :D)

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(Like this, but he kicks Kakashi in the face :D)

He sure is flexible. But a simple kick won't be enough to hurt me.

I use my left hand to grab his leg while it's still over his head, leaving him bent over in front of me. A perfect position had we been doing anything other than fighting.

"You can't win, Illumi. Like I said, we are here to watch how I grew up. Not to fight. Not yet, at least." All at once I let him go, the clone as well. He almost lost his balance but saved himself from falling in time. Trained assassin techniques and all.

Why do I keep thinking like that, as if I'm not also a trained assassin? Maybe because had that been Naruto, he would've fallen flat on his face. Oh well.

Illumi once again stood straight, the scenery slowly changing. A tall, blonde man in a blue outfit walked past him. When he looked at the man, he saw three young kids.

A girl with short brown hair and purple squares on her cheeks, a boy with spikey black hair and orange goggles, and another boy with gravity-defying silver hair and a mask. Of course, the last boy was me as a child, and the other three were my teammates.

Illumi watched as Minato picked the young me to spar with him. When he was this age he also probably had training, and based on the lack of expression he makes, it was probably different than my training. But he wasn't learning how to fight in wars.

As the illusions gained speed in their fighting, Illumi struggled to keep up. Just like the two children watching from the sidelines. Because, in my eyes, that's all he is. A child.

As young me began to lose the battle, the scene changed once again. It was the third ninja war. Right before it ended.

Bodies lined the field, some in worse condition than others. In the center stood one person, a guilt-ridden teenager with nothing left to lose.

Illumi sent me a glance. He noticed the look in my younger self's eyes. The look of utter defeat.

"Now I understand that the blood and death probably don't phase you. You've been trained to do it, after all. But that is what you would have to live with if I decide to kill your entire family and take your little brother away from you."

The almond eyes that held no emotion were filled with rage. I guess his soft spot is Killua.  Not surprising. He'd be mine too if he were my brother.

"You wouldn't be able to lay a hand on my family."

"Wanna bet?"

I stepped towards him. He stepped back.

That tells me enough.

The illusion faded away.

"I forfeit."

1106 words.

HAA. I left you on a cliffhanger again! Get rekd nerds.

For real tho thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed. Now I'm gonna go cry about season 7 ep.1 of The Walking Dead. Please don't spoil it for anyone but come on. WHAT THE FUUUUCK.

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