Part X Thirty-One

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We got a new friend in our gc :)

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We got a new friend in our gc :)

There's a scene you can skip when you reach the ***


I bought a hotel room for myself. The boys decided to share a room with Kurapika and Leorio, I didn't mind, it was quite peaceful. After we had left Chrollo in the cafe we met back up with the two older boys. Leorio was drunk off his ass and the only thing keeping him upright was Kurapika.

I sat on my bed just listening to the world around me, book in hand.

I could faintly hear the snores of the tall teenager. I feel bad for Kurapika, he'll have to spend the rest of his life listening to that once the two finally realize they love each other. Leorio reminded me of Guy. Not in the way you would think but because he seems so carefree and oblivious all the time yet he's always prepared to save his precious people.

The breeze blowing in from the open window was calming and reminded me of Konoha. The wind blew through the trees, rustling the leaves and giving everything a green scent. The faint rustle of people still out despite the late hour, the sound of feet hitting the floor softly beneath the open window. So reminiscent of every time I chose to use the window instead of the door out of spite.

I turned to face whoever decided to break in, seeing the shock of red hair that stuck up straight on Hisoka's head almost seemed familiar. It was something I was used to in a city I was unfamiliar with. Hisoka's creepy smirk graced his face as he stalked closer to me.

"Hisoka, how nice of you to visit me." I looked back down at my orange book. It was nice to be able to read the original Icha Icha again, I was starting to get bored by Tactics.

"Kakashi~ I heard you talked with Chrollo today. What did you say about his offer?" The magician set his knee on the mattress behind me, resting his warm front against my back.

"I told him that he might be useful to me in the future." I shivered as the clown's clawed hands reached around my sides and tucked themselves under my shirt, running along my stomach. "Why are you touching me?"

I could sense Hisoka's smile. "Am I not allowed to touch you? We did a lot of touching not too long ago, you weren't opposed then~" his hands continued their journey along my skin.

"Just because we came on each other doesn't mean I'm okay with you breaking into my room to molest me whenever you want." I pushed his hands off of me and snapped my book shut. "What did you need?" Hisoka sighed but sat back regardless.

"Don't trust the Phantom Troupe." Well, that was unexpected.

"What do you mean?"

"None of them are trustworthy. They'll turn their backs on you faster than you can kill a man." His golden eyes shone seriously for once, I should probably listen to him. "Don't expect them to keep the promise of backing you. Chrollo might, but that's about it."

"You don't have to worry about that, I don't trust anyone." I tossed my book onto the pillow and hopped off the bed, leaving Hisoka to sit on it alone.

He looked up at me with big eyes and a pout. Boy did he resemble a golden retriever at that moment. A murderous golden retriever that is.

"Come on, let's go get food. I'm starving." The clown stood up and followed me closely. Yes, definitely a golden retriever. We walked down the hall, Hisoka almost walking on my heels at every step.

I knocked on the door and seconds later Kurapika cracked it open. He opened it completely when he saw it was me but that caused him to notice the neon pink man behind me.

"Kakashi? Why is Hisoka behind you?" I waved my hand at him in dismissal.

"He broke into my room. Don't worry about it. I'm going to grab dinner, what do you all want?" Kurapika kept his suspicious gaze settled on Hisoka as we entered the room.

"Yo, what do you guys want to eat?" Gon and Killua looked up from their game of cards, Killua swapping some out from his hand and the deck the second Gon turned his head. Little shit had some sticky fingers.

"What's Hisoka doing here?"

"Not important. What do you want to eat?"

"Why is he here, old man?"

"Shut up. What do you want to eat?"

Leorio grumbled from his bed across the room, rolling over and stuffing his face in his pillow. I could just barely make out a muffled response about ramen. Oh.. my heart. How it aches. At least it would if I had one.

I clapped. "Ramen it is! Thank you for your helpful input, boys! I'll be back later." I grabbed Hisoka(who had been staring at Kurapika creepily for a while now) by the arm and pulled him out of the room.

We walked silently down the hall once I let go of him, all the way to the elevator. Once the elevator closed he shoved me against the wall, pulled my mask down, and harshly connected our lips.


My hands groped at his shoulders and neck as his own roamed my back. Our tongues intertwined. I could taste the coppery blood from where his tongue nicked my sharp teeth, it added to the sensation of his lips against mine. The sounds of our gasps and moans drowned out the descent of the elevator. I could feel the heat radiating from my face, Hisoka's tongue plunging into my mouth one last time before the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.


I panted as I pulled my mask back over my face, glaring at the smug magician. His painted face hid any hint of a blush that may have been present. I was happy to see how disheveled his clothes and hair had become. Evidence of what had conspired in that elevator.

We entered the lobby silently once again. It was quiet the entire walk to a ramen stand that Hisoka led us to. I ordered five different kinds of ramen and the redhead ordered whatever he wanted.

The walk back was just as quiet, though it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. That was a weird thought. Who knew anything connected to Hisoka could be considered comfortable? I guess he wasn't too bad when he wasn't running his mouth.

We got back to the hotel quickly and with our hands full of takeout, nothing explicit happened in the elevator this time. We walked into the room full of teenagers, handing them their food before digging into our own, my genjutsu in place so I could eat peacefully.

"I don't like pork, old man."

"Eat your fucking ramen you brat."


Kakashi and Killua have unnecessary and unsolicited beef with each other.

Also, I have a note in my notes app that is all of the Disney x JJK ships.

We Stan Nanami x Tiana!

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