Part X Three

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Kakashi pov.

The most beautiful sight greeted me. Dozens of kitchens. At this point, I don't even care what we're going to do, I just want some food. Standing on a small stage area were two people. A lady with her green hair in five long buns that resemble a star, and a man who looks like he's in the middle of performing an Akimichi body Justu. Satotz bid us all good luck and disappeared back through the bushes.

"Hello everyone! My name is Menchi, and this is Buhara, and today we are your second-phase examiners. We are also Gourmet Hunters." Some people laughed at that. I don't know why they would, though, food is one of the most essential things in the world. Menchi cleared her throat gaining back our attention. "Today on the menu is... PORK! Go into the forest and find any type of pig come back and cook it. We will rate you as pass or fail. Time starts NOW!"

I booked it into the forest using one of my fastest speeds. I was but a grey blur. I quickly found a group of giant pigs gnawing on bones and ramming each other with their huge snouts. Since I'm the only one out here at the moment, I used a quick wind Jutsu and hit the weakest point on the pig, its forehead. My father always told me before he died that if someone has a piece of armor on a particular area, they're covering a weak spot. Of course, that's simple logic nowadays, but back then, it was rare to get any sort of advice like that from my old man.

I picked the pig up and booked it back to the kitchen areas, passing almost everyone on the way. I plopped the pig on the table and started skinning it. I cut some pieces for bacon, some for pork loins, and some for sausage. That reminds me of when a little kid on a mission called Sasuke, Sausage. Naruto wouldn't stop laughing and teasing him, while Sakura punched him on the head, but I knew she was holding in her own laughs. Sasuke couldn't stop blushing.

While I was reminiscing, my body moved on autopilot, cooking the pig to near perfection. I mean I did cook for three kids and myself more often than not. Mostly ramen. Ooh, I should make pork ramen, too. I eye smiled as my body moved freely, knowing by memory how to make Naruto's favorite. By the time I was done, others started roasting their pigs, whole. What are these people thinking? I guess they're not going to take this seriously.

I sighed and finished putting the last items on the plates. I balanced all three plates. One on each and one held by chakra onto my head. I set all three plates in front of them Buhara quickly ate his portion and gave me a pass. Menchi, however, took her time. "How did you make ramen so fast? I know for sure we didn't have any noodles here. And bacon and sausage?"

 I rubbed the back of my neck." Well, I have spent years cooking for my three students, and ramen was one of their favorites. It's muscle memory by now. And I was always in charge of breakfast duty." I shrugged.

Menchi nodded and took a single slice of bacon, a tiny bit of sausage, and a big bite of the ramen. She chewed extremely slowly and finally looked up. "Pass."

 I eye smiled. "Thank you!" I walked back to my kitchen space and ate the bit of ramen I had left. But no one saw my face. I was looking at a wall. All the applicants have brought back their pigs and have all roasted them the same way. Buhara has passed everyone, and Menchi hasn't even taken a bite.

All the people who had failed were salty until it was Kurapika's turn. He had presented his food, and Menchi actually took a bite, but still failed him, because of the bad taste. "All but one applicant has failed! Go home! And try again next year." 

One of the big guys who insulted Menchi in the beginning destroyed his workspace and ran to attack, but Buhara ended it as soon as it began.

"I'm the proctor! And if I say you all fail, then YOU ALL FAIL!! TWO applicants actually tried on the display, but only one had good enough taste! You may think we're a joke, but we're the ones who supply the best restaurants with their food. We risk our lives to find good food for you to eat! So what if you're not going to become a Gourmet Hunter? You got two as your proctors, so it's just bad luck for you!" Menchi spun knives around her hands as Buhara tried to calm her down.

"I don't think it'd be wise only to have one applicant pass, that's why I'm here!" Up? Oh wow, an old man falling from a floating thing. Great. "Hello, I'm Chairman Netero. I'm usually only behind the scenes, but I'll step in if there are problems like this. Menchi dear? Do you think it's wise only to pass one contestant?" Menchi sighed and dropped her head. 

"No sir, it's just that they insulted our job and you know how I get when that happens. I hereby resign as proctor!"

The Netero man sighed. "Dear, I don't know where we would find another person on such short notice. I have an idea. How about you continue to be the examiner, but you have to participate in the phase yourself? How's that sound?" Menchi perked up. 

 "Yes, that's a great idea! I chose we make boiled eggs. Hey, Chairman Netero, mind if we take the airship to Split Mountain?" 

"Not at all."

We all boarded the 'airship,' and soon enough, we made it to a mountain that's cracked in half. "Alright, everyone! This is how you do it!" Menchi quickly jumped down into the crack and grabbed some eggs. Soon, a current of air brought her back up, egg and all. "Now, how you do it is--" she was interrupted by Gon jumping off and everyone following. I stayed up here and watched in amusement. Some people fell to their deaths, while some applicants were too scared to even jump.

I simply sighed and walked down the wall. I stuck onto the bottom web with chakra-enhanced feet, grabbed an egg, and simply walked back up the side. People stared, but I don't care. I got the egg, I can now boil the egg. And oh my god, it's delicious. One of the best things I've ever tasted.

Soon, the wind blew most of the applicants back to safety. Most had eggs. Those who didn't were disqualified and had to stay here until another 'blimp' came for them. We all loaded back onto the previous blimp, and Bean was there to make an announcement. "We will be flying for about eight hours until we reach our next destination. You are free to eat in the mess hall or explore the blimp. Dorms are this way if you wish to sleep. Have a nice night."

I followed Leorio and Kurapika to a dorm. But on the way, we met Tompa. "You know they're probably lying, and this is just another phase. It probably wouldn't be smart to sleep." I rolled my eyes, or visible eyes, and followed them again. When they both played down, they almost instantly fell asleep. I lay on the floor using my arms as a pillow. I slowly fell asleep. Until I felt eyes on me.

I instantly sat up and looked straight into Tompas eyes. I made the gesture of slitting my throat the pointed to him. As quick as he had come, he slammed the door and ran off. Finally, I could get a good night's sleep. Hopefully.


1327 words

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