Part X One

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Kakashi pov.

I wasn't expecting to wake up. Especially not falling toward the ground at extreme speeds. I landed hard but felt no pain. Nothing hurt anymore, and the fall seemed to do nothing. My chakra reserves are full, and I can still feel my Sharingan pulling some chakra. But I don't feel as tired as I usually am. I feel younger. The building I landed behind is covered in reflective glass, and looking at my reflection, I can tell I'm not my old self. I look like I'm back to being as young as when I took on being a Sensei.

28 maybe. That's as close as I'm going to get I'll say that. I lifted my now intact headband, and I still have my Mangekyou Sharingan. My chakra reserves are the same as during the war. That's good. My mask is back, and my clothes are as they were years ago. All in all, I look good.

Now I know what you're thinking. 'You just fell randomly from the sky after watching your students get killed. Why aren't you bawling your eyes out?' Well, first off, nothing surprises me anymore. Seeing as I had to watch Naruto almost every day, and he's the Number One Unpredictable Ninja, I got used to being surprised and confused. Second, I'm not crying because they're the people who made my tears run out. I don't have any more tears to shed, and seeing as I'm alive and in an area with intact buildings and signs of life, I know Madara and Obito probably aren't here. I'm not even sure where here is, to be honest.

I am, however, extremely grateful that I have a chance to start over. However, I will have to get used to where I am and what's happening in this world.

Now that I'm all checked out and okay, I make my way around the building. It looks like the place next door is a restaurant, and trust me, I'm starving. I haven't had any real food in a while.

Once I open the door, the bell chimes, and a nice-looking cook greets me. "Hello, what can I get for you today?" I smile under my mask, no doubt having my signature eye smile. "Uh, are there any private rooms?" The man gains a suspicious look in his eye.

"And what will you be having?" I sigh. "How about a steak, medium-rare? For one, please."  

The man smiles and shows me a big room with a lovely table. I thank him and sit down. Once he closes the door, the entire room starts falling. I grab onto the table and send chakra to my feet. Once the room stops falling, the entire wall slides down. I stumble my way out and peek around. Around thirty or forty people are scattered around the room, including a small green... thing.

"Hello, my name is Bean. Please take one of these cards and pin it to your chest. You will need it, so do not lose it." He hands me a white pin with the number 40 on it. I take it from his tiny hand. "Thank you, Bean." The green bean(ha, see what I did there?)  nods and walks away.

I pin the Number to my vest and walk to a wall. I mean against it and pull out my beloved Orange Book. Oh how I've missed Icha Icha, no time to read during a war, I'm lucky to have the second book plus two copies stored in a scroll in my Ninja Pouch. Out of my peripheral vision, I see a short, stubby man with a big nose headed my way.

"Hello there, I haven't seen you here before. You must be a rookie. I'm Tompa. Have a drink." By the way, his body language is he's trying to sabotage me, most likely poison. "No, thank you, I'm good." The man's eye twitched. "Come on, I insist. We can toast to our newly acquired friendship." He pushed the Orange cola drink closer to my face.

"Huh, did you say something? Sorry, but I don't think I will enjoy drinking poison. Good day to you." Tompa grumbled curses under his breath and walked away. During this time, the door opened for the fourth time since I walked in. Not bothering to glance at the person who walked in, I continued to read about how the main character was being seduced by one of her lovers.

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