Part X Twelve

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I could tell Killua was beyond fed up with being carried, but it didn't matter, I made sure to get to the opposite end of the island before any enemies found us. I dropped Killua when the area was clear, and for a trained assassin, I don't think you're meant to land like that. "What the hell was that for? You could've at least warned me!" Killua dusted his pants off as he stood up.

"I've honestly never seen someone land like that. What kind of assassin lets themselves fall on their ass?" He rolled his eyes and sat on a nearby stump. 

"I've put those days behind me, old man. Besides, where's the fun in that?" I rolled my eyes but started to set up camp anyway. We had a long week ahead of us, and I was not looking forward to it. 

"What do you do to pass the time, Killua?"

 He hummed like it was the most complex question to answer. "Nothing, really. Sometimes I ride my skateboard, sometimes I eat, or I just sit around and do nothing." For a kid, he sure does have some boring hobbies. "What about you, old man? What do you do?" 

I pulled my book from its usual place in my kunai pouch, "I read books that are not for children. But most of the time I don't have any free time. If I did, I would take a mission." Killua sighed. He sounded like he wanted something, and whatever it was, he wasn't getting it from me. 

"What are your books about?" he smirked. 

"How old are you again?" He raised a white eyebrow. 

"Twelve, why?"

"Ask me again when you're eighteen. Maybe then I'll give you a suitable answer." The smirk fell from his face as he deadpanned. He should consider himself lucky. I usually wouldn't even give people that much of an answer. Leorio got lucky, too, he got a whole book for his inquiries. 

"Perverted, old man." He mumbled. I will not answer that petty insult, even if that was Jiraiyas' old title, not mine.

Killua started to gather sticks from around the area. He probably wanted to start a fire or something. "What are you doing?" Icy blue eyes looked at me, was he judging me? How rude. 

"I'm hungry, so I'm making a fire so we can cook something." 

I-I'm not going to be able to resist. . ."Hi Hungry, I'm Kakashi." Killua paused in his stick gathering and stared at me. He looked as if he wanted to kill me. To be fair, my students had the same look on their faces when I hit them with the Dad Jokes. 

"Shut up." He then continued to add to his pile of sticks.

"How are you even going to start a fire? It's not like you have a lighter with you, right?" He paused again. So I'm right, why wouldn't I be? What kind of twelve-year-old carries around a lighter? Usually, you can smell if a person smokes, and Killua smells like blood, so. . . 

"Damn it, you're right. I guess I'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way!" When he gathered an adequate amount of firewood for himself, he sat down and started rubbing a sturdier stick on a solid piece of bark. It's how Shinobi, who couldn't do fire Jutsu, did it.

I let him work at it for a good ten minutes before I took the stick from him. He tried to hang onto it -stubborn children- before I forcefully ripped it from his sticky little fingers. I threw it into the pile of sticks before doing a few hand signs and creating a small fireball invented explicitly for this purpose. The small fire started quickly, as it should. When I glanced back up at Killua he was giving me the coldest glare I had ever seen. "You're telling me," He said slowly, "that you could've done that from the very beginning?" I smiled. 

"Yep!" Killua scowled.

"And you let me struggle with that stick for ten minutes?" I hummed. 


 Killua lunged at me. His small stature made him aerodynamic and quick, but I have 16 more years of experience than him. I sidestepped and grabbed him by the ankle, holding him upside down an arm's length away. His newly clawed hands were swiping at me closely but never quite reaching me. He was yelling all the profanities he knew at me. It's not the first time someone has been this mad at me, not by a long shot.

When the boy got all of the anger out of his system, I lowered him to the ground, and he stood up normally. We locked eyes for a moment before he looked away. Pussy. "Do you even have anything to cook?" He slowly shook his head, as if it was a new revelation for him. 

"No. But can't you go?" 

I raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I'll do that?" 

He smirked, "Well, it's the least you could do. After all, you did just let me waste ten minutes of my innocent, young life."

He made me want to laugh. I watched him kill people, yet he claims he's innocent. How innocent can an ( almost )teenage boy be? "Yeah, sure. I'll be back. Don't die or get lost, kid." Killua nodded and sat beside the small fire, adding leaves for fun. Ahhh~ youth. 'Oh God, I sound like Guy. . . ' After getting the horrific shivers that wracked my body out of the way, I left Killua to his own devices and started my hunting journey ( One for food and not people, thankfully ).

Yet again, traveling by the trees, I made my way through the forest in search of food. I could fish, but that takes a kind of patience I don't have at the moment. There was a snap on the ground, and right below me lay a rabbit, perfect for two people. I slowly took out a kunai and raised my arm in a throwing position. I threw my arm forward, and in less than a second, the rabbit lay in a small puddle of its own blood. A quick and painless death and a meal for my companion and me. It's a win-win for Killua and me, not the rabbit. I picked the small animal up and made my way back to our little camp.

Halfway, I was interrupted.

The bald 'Ninja' cosplayer with weird eyebrows- Hanzo- was standing on a branch to my right. It wasn't like he was hiding. He just didn't register as a threat to me. We stood in silence for about a minute, staring at each other. "Uhmm, did you need something?" He rose a feathery brow like he thought I had known what he wanted. Dumbass, I can't read minds, I'm not a Yamanaka. 

"Yeah," he started,

"I want my badge."


1196 words

Baby Illumi ^

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