Part X Thirty

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So much is going on all at once

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So much is going on all at once. I wasn't aware of any of it. Also, I'm the aforementioned ginger bitch.

We temporarily split ways with Leorio and Kurapika, Kurapika had some business to attend to while Leorio was just about bursting with anticipation for his new book.

The boys dragged me away from any sort of activity I might have been planning to do and brought me to something called an 'internet cafe'. I swear, they're just making words up to fuck with me now.

"What the hell is this stuff?" Killua looked at me weirdly as he sat down on a stool in front of a weird box thing. Gon gave me a similar look as he pulled a chair next to his friend.

"You really are an old man if you don't know what a computer is."

"I'm not old!"

The boys rolled their eyes. Oh great, Killua was rubbing off on the poor boy. The white-haired boy hit a button on the thing in front of him and a screen lit up. Oh, so it was similar to the phone but much larger.

"I'm going to play the video that Gon's dad left him."

Boring. "Ok, well, you two have fun with that, I'm going to go get a coffee."

Gon peeked around his friend with wide eyes. "Can I-"


I left the boy to pout as I walked up to the counter. A coffee didn't sound too bad if I was being honest. It's been a stressful day with the airship and finding the two young men in a big city. This auction better be worth the hype Leorio gave it.

"Next." I step forward in line. The cashier looks like he would rather be elsewhere, with dark bags under his eyes and a disheveled uniform. "What can I get you?"

"Just a large black coffee." The cashier nodded, seeming to be thankful that I didn't order some ridiculously long and complicated drink like some people, *cough* Sakura *cough*.

I paid and waited for the kid to pour the coffee into a travel cup and hand it back to me. There weren't too many people in the store, only myself, the boys, and some guy wearing a headband. And some ugly ass earrings, was that supposed to be some kind of fashion statement?

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