Part X Twenty-Six

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Credit to the artist but this is what I picture Kakashis teeth to look like.

this is a completely new chapter, hope you enjoy.


We got back to Gon and Killuas room with little trouble, there might have been a few thousand people trying to use the elevators but the stairs were empty and it wasn't too hard of a trek considering what the first portion of the Hunter Exam was like.

Killua flopped onto the bed beside Gon, who was obviously trying not to ask too many questions about the match considering Wing told him he couldn't know absolutely anything about it until the end of his punishment. It was quite entertaining.

"Mr. Kakashi?"

I glanced toward him from my spot by the end of the bed, "Yes Gon?"

"Do you think you'd be able to take on Hisoka?" I shrugged. Killua sat up on his elbows to look at me too.

"Probably." Two sets of big eyes, one blue and one brown looked at me with deadpan stares. "What? I was being honest." Killua rolled his eyes and flopped back down.

"I was hoping to get an answer longer than a single word, old man." Shit out of luck kid.

As I sat I pondered what it would be like to settle down for once in my life, I'd never owned a house, the Hatake compound didn't count, I'd never had a true day off as ninja were forever on call, and the only time I ever got to truly rest were the infrequent hospital visits, and I despise hospitals.

I imagine that settling down involves a lot of down time to spend doing whatever it was that interested me. And to think that what interested me was only reading my books and fucking with people for fun. I probably wouldn't be able to do the second thing if I was always hunkered alone in a small cabin somewhere like a hermit.

I wouldn't want to keep away from all my new little friends for that long either! Speaking of...

"Gon! Get off the counter!"

Said boy glanced over his shoulder with wide, guilty eyes. He was reaching into the top cabinet, trying to grab a glass or a bowl or something. Killua stood out to the side watching him in amusement.

"You should have told me I would have gotten it for you." I stood up and made my way to the boys. I pulled Gon off the counter and set him on his feet beside his best friend. "Now what were you reaching for?"

"A glass for some water." He replied sheepishly. I nodded and grabbed him one off of the top shelf. There was no reason for them to be so high up, what if short people had this room? Well two of them do!

He took his glass and I said my goodbyes, heading back to my own room to 'rest from the extremely hard, no good, very bad fight' I just witnessed. Why do people rest from watching fights they didn't participate in?

I rolled my eyes at my inner monologue, I have some serious fucking problems that we're all going to ignore for the sake of the plot. Not that there's one of those to begin with.

I sighed as I finally reached my own room, it's been a long day for no good reason. The door opened and I blinked at the two pink haired people sitting at the table in my room. "Excuse me, but what the shit?"

Hisoka smirked at me and the other person, a girl with long pink hair and purple eyes, blinked at me before glaring at the magician. "You told me this was your room, Hisoka."

The aforementioned smiled at the woman sweetly, "Machi dear, you should know by now to never trust a word I utter~"

"Mind telling me what the hell we're doing in here then?"

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