Part X Fourteen

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Cute lil Kakashi ^^

We walked our way from the woods and met the remaining applicants at the dock where our ride was waiting. Killua had been in a good mood since I brought back our food. Although that was a few days ago, something had been keeping his spirits up. There weren't many people at the beach at the moment, but I know others will be here soon. Off to the side, Hanzo gave me a skeptical look. I wonder if I scared him or something. Hisoka and Gitturakur were a ways away, both keeping themselves occupied.

There was no sign of Gon, Leorio, or Kurapika yet, but I know they'll make it. Killua seemed nervous but there shouldn't be a problem because I can smell the three making their way here at this very moment.

Other than them, there was that short guy with the pink hat, the old guy who's supposedly good at fighting, and us. Depending on the rules of the last stage, I think our little rag-tag group has a good chance of getting a Hunters license. Not that it really means anything to me. I won't actually need it if the inhabitants of this world are anything to go by.

As branches snapped under running feet, Killua perked up and looked out into the forest that we had called home for the last week. Bright green- that absolutely did not blend in - was seen speeding through the foliage. Shortly followed by yellow and dark blue. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio ran out of the woods and stopped beside us. They all looked relatively unharmed- if you ignore all the little splatters of blood on Leorios' white shirt. Why was he wearing a suit again?

Killua and Gon immediately began to discuss their experiences in the woods while the older boys looked over at me. "Hello Kakashi, I'm glad you made it out. Did you run into many complications?" 

I shrugged. The only harm that came to me was the slight Chakra depletion from running around for so long. "Not really. What about you guys? I've noticed that your shirt is covered in blood, Leorio."

The teen groaned, "I got bit by like a hundred snakes at the same time, it wasn't as fun as it sounds."

 I raised a brow. "How the hell did you manage that?" 

Leorio shrugged, "It's a talent." I rolled my eyes. He probably got himself into trouble, and Gon and Kurapika had to drag him out of it.

Kharas' voice carried, catching everyone's attention, "Attention examinees! Please hold up your number tags so we know if you have passed or not. There will be no trading of pins from this moment onwards!"

Khara and a few of her crewmates walked to each applicant, checking our cards to make sure we weren't lying. I was surprised when Gon held Hisokas' card up, seeing as the man was standing only a ways away. I wasn't surprised to see Kurapika with Tonpas' card. The Fat Guy™ will not be missed at all.

After it was confirmed that everyone had their number tags, we were led onto the small boat for hopefully the last time. It took off the second everyone was boarded, heading in the opposite direction of where we first came from. After sleeping in trees and on the dirt ground for a week, I cannot wait for an actual bed, or maybe even a padded chair would do.

We waited in silence as the boat quickly approached the mainland again. Maybe this will be the last stage. On the beach was a building more modern than any I'd ever seen before. Even in Amegakure they didn't have buildings like this. The boat docked once again, and we were led into the building and down its very beautiful, artistic hallways. We entered a very large and comfortable-looking sitting room. There was another hallway on the opposite side of the room, as well as another door on the east wall.

Netero entered the room through the door and smiled at everyone, Bean walking by his legs. "Hello everyone! Glad to see you've all made it this far. I will be pulling you one by one to ask some questions regarding the final stage of this year's Hunter Exam." He paused, glancing at us before continuing, "Until then, feel free to rest up in the lobby or ask Bean for some food. He will get it for you. When I have asked all of you the questions, you will be led into rooms for the night. The final stage will begin tomorrow morning. Any questions?" When no one spoke up, Netero smiled again.

"I will begin with Examinee Number 40. Please follow me." I sighed. Of course, I'm first. Why wouldn't I be? I followed the old man through the door. It led to a sizeable office-like room with a small table low to the ground. Netero plopped onto a pillow beside the table and gestured for me to do the same. He pulled a calligraphy brush out from somewhere, along with a paper. "Sit, we have much to discuss."

I took my seat, hopefully more graceful than I felt. I really just want to go lie down. "Well, Kakashi, are you ready?" 

No, I want to nap. "Yes, Sir."

"Why do you want to be a Hunter?" I don't, and I feel like I've answered this question before. 

"I want to be fast enough to pet all of the dogs." And I'm still upset that I didn't get my steak. Netero rose a brow but carried on. 

"Who are you keeping an eye on?" Weird question. . . 

"Like in a good way or a bad way?" 

He shrugged, "Whichever you think. It's an open-ended question."

I thought about it. I've been doing that quite a lot these past few days. I'm keeping an eye on Killua, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika because I want to keep them safe. I'm watching Hisoka and Gitturakur because they make me nervous, and I'm watching Hanzo because he's amusing. I'll have to keep an eye on the other two because they are the unknowns in the equation. Let's go with an in-between, "I'm always watching everyone. It's in my nature to constantly have my eye on any possible threats."

Netero wrote something on his paper before looking back up at me. "Who would you least want to fight?" Oh, that one is easy. "I'll fight anyone who stands a chance. If I had to choose, I wouldn't fight Hanzo. We had a small battle in the woods, and it was kind of boring." he wrote something down again before setting both the brush and paper off to the side.

"One last question, Kakashi." I nodded, "Who are you really, and where did you come from?"

Uh oh.


Sorry, I've been gone for so long... school recently started back for me and I've been extremely busy trying to adjust to a new schedule and everything. The good news is I got to see all my friends again!!

I'm not back to my two-week schedule yet, but I'll get on it as soon as I can! You could always check out my other book while you're waiting!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! CYA 👋

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