Part X Twenty-Eight

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Tell me why I started getting Hisoka edits on TikTok

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Tell me why I started getting Hisoka edits on TikTok. the black ones are also Hisoka edits.

please ignore Markiplier.

this is like, totally filler.

Gon had his fight against the clown. And just in time too, we were due to meet up with Leorio and Kurapika again soon. I don't know how that child managed to flip an entire slab of the floor into the air and punch it to pieces but it seemed to work in his favor. He was like a mini Sakura in the making.

I'm just glad the kid managed to fulfill his goals fairly easily and with minimum bloodshed. We were currently all standing around a place that Wing called an 'Airport' arguing about what we were doing and where we were going.

Wing and Zushi, being the nosy assholes they were, would not stop questioning me when I decided to take Killua and Gon to York New City. Did they think I was some kind of pedophile or something? That's a job reserved for Orochimaru.

"Why are you going with them? They can take care of themselves, they don't need a grown man to keep them company." I rolled my eyes at Wing. Dramatic much?

"Because when we made these plans, months ago, I was indeed invited."

"Yeah, but you don't need to go with them."

"I'm not a fucking pedophile, man. I like fucking adults thank you very much." Wing's face went red, hilariously if you ask me, and Zushi peered up at his sensei.

"What's fucking?"

While the black-haired man stood gaping down at his charge, I took the chance to grab Killua and Gon's arms and drag them hastily onto the airship behind us. I watched gleefully through the window as Wing looked around concerned. When his gaze landed on me, I waved at him happily through the window, with my signature eye smile as well.

Once the airship was safely (I doubt this could ever be any sort of safe but at least I was away from Wing) in the air I took a seat between the two boys.

They chattered away about anything and everything, very reminiscent of Sakura and Naruto on days when she decided to tolerate his existence. I, like the awesome Sensei I am, decided to add my own input into the conversation. "Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball?" You see, I can make this joke because I myself am an orphan.

Killua answered my question, hesitantly. As he should. "...Why?"

"Because no one misses them, of course!" I smiled at the boys, my jokes were superior.

Gon giggled once he understood, of course, he would, I'm hilarious. The green-haired boy gripped his stomach as he bent over in his laughter. It was almost contagious. Killa frowned and crossed his arms.

"It wasn't that funny..."

I scoffed, "Quit being jealous that my jokes can make him laugh more than yours." Ah, young love, but oh what it does to people.

Killua lit up red, a stark contrast against his snow-white hair. He spluttered as he tried to correct me, I knew I was right, there's no changing my mind now buddy. You just downright confirmed it. "Just shut up and look out the window, you old man!"

I laughed before deciding to obey. It was a nice view from so high up in the air, I don't think I've ever been higher than right now (disregarding that one instance of Naruto burning weed instead of incense in his apartment when Sakura and I were over).

I pulled out my book.

I hope Leorio returns my other copy soon. I wouldn't want this media floating through the public for just anyone to read, do I? I'm going to publish it and get rich, I've decided.

Killua and Gon have begun a staring contest from either side of me. Killua was intensely staring into Gon's soul and I'm pretty sure Gon has zoned out.

I think that once I've gained enough income from Icha Icha I'll retire from fighting for good and become a hermit that lives alone on a giant ass mountain somewhere very far from humanity. Maybe I can find some kind of Massive security guard dog, or maybe a large gate?

Looks like Gon won the staring contest, Killua is sulking.

After I settle into my house, no, Mansion, I'll continue to write the Icha Icha series. Under Jiraiya's name of course, give credit where credit is due and all that. Maybe I can even turn some of my old missions into their own separate books, add a little bit of spice that didn't actually happen, and voila, you have a very successful action/fantasy author.

Sigh, if only I was any good at writing...

Killua has since moved over me and pushed Gon into the aisle. When did things get physical? It's almost like that one time when I left Naruto alone with Sasuke on a hospital roof. Except less lightning, screaming, and all-around animosity.

"Sit down!"

By the time we landed in York New –stupid ass name, by the way, it would sound better switched– it was the early afternoon of September first. Damn, soon I'll be a whole year older, not looking forward to that at all.

"Where did we say to meet again?"

"York New City, you senile old man."

"Shut the fuck up Killua, I know that. We never specified where in York New City."



fun fact, My birthday is 11 days after Kakashi's.

n e  ways, that's all for today folks. follow me on TikTok, I post stupid shit. @logthroughtime

it's in the comments :)

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