19. Making Jace Jealous

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"Kaelie?" Clary asked.

Izzy and Clary were just coming back from meeting with Jocelyn and Tessa to plan the wedding. When they entered the Institute, Kaelie was the last person they expected to see.

"What are you doing here?" Izzy asked.

"Visiting my boyfriend," Kaelie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jace down the stairs, hearing the noise. "Kaelie, I'm not your boyfriend! We never even dated!"

"Come on, yes we did, and we still are. Why else would you keep coming to Taki's?" Kaelie asked.

"I don't know, why would we always go to a restaurant? Oh! Maybe because of the food!" Jace said.

"Oh please, like any one would want to eat the garbage we serve," Kaelie said.

"Hey! Do not insult one of the greatest restaurants in New York!" Jace said angrily.

"How did you get in here?" Clary asked, the thought suddenly occurred to her. She thought only Shadowhunters could open the gates and she highly doubted someone in the Institute had given her permission to enter.

"I followed the scrawny boy with glasses in," Kaelie said dismissively.

"Simon?" Izzy asked.

"No, I think the girl with him called him Axe or something?" Kaelie looked like she was trying to remember.

"Max?" Izzy asked.

"That's it!" Kaelie said.

"Wait. What girl?" Jace asked.

"Um, I don't know, she was a little shorter than the boy, brown hair, pretty I suppose," Kaelie said.

"They looked like they were flirting," she added.

"I just had a talk with him about this!" Jace exclaimed.

"Ahh!" Izzy screamed. "We have to get ready or we're going to be late for dinner!" Izzy said, looking at the time.

"Oh right! Kaelie, I think it's best if you leave. Clary and Izzy need to get ready, and I need to have a quick chat with Max," Jace said.

"Okay, come on, let's go Clary!" Izzy said and dragged Clary out.

"I better go, I have a shift. See you soon!" Kaelie winked at Jace, walking out as well.

Clary furrowed her eyebrows before realizing that Kaelie probably thought they were eating at Taki's.

She smirked, glad that they weren't going to be eating at their favorite restaurant, but instead to a new Italian restaurant Izzy wanted to try.

 Her happiness soon faded when she felt a sharp pain go through her head.

"Ow!" she complained.

"Sorry!" Izzy said. Apparently, the pain was from Izzy yanking a brush through her hair.

Clary groaned internally, realizing that she would have to sit through another hair treatment from Izzy. Wish her luck!


When Clary and Izzy finally finished getting ready, they were both in floor length gowns because apparently the restaurant they were going to was supposed be extremely fancy. Clary was in a green - Jace loved her in green - dress and Izzy was in a gold gown. (Pic up top from the TV show Shadowhunters is what they're wearing. Not Lydia, the blonde one on the left, but the other two.)

Magnus, Alec, Simon and Rebecca were waiting at the entrance of the Institute.

"You guys ready to go?" Simon asked once Izzy and Clary joined them.

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