13. Where's Clary?!

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"Okay, so who's going to feed Luis today?" Clary asked.

"We could feed him Izzy's food!" Jace suggested quickly.

"No!" Izzy said.

"Why not?" Jace asked innocently.

"Because my food could give him food poisoning!" Izzy said.

"Oh, so you're okay giving us food poisoning, but not the prisoner?" Jace asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Izzy said.

"Who's going to feed him?" Clary repeated.

"Do we have to feed him?" Jace asked.

"Yes," Izzy and Clary said.

"Why?" Jace complained.

"Because we need to keep him alive until Maryse gets back," Clary said. They had agreed that they would wait for Maryse to get back from Idris to interrogate Luis.

"Fine, but Izzy is not doing it!" Jace said.

"Why?" Izzy asked.

"Because you think he's cute," Jace said.

"So does your fiancée," Izzy shot back.

"I'm not worried about her doing anything with him because she has me and I'm way hotter," Jace said. "You on the other hand only have Simon."

"Wait, so I'm feeding him?" Clary asked.

Jace groaned. Even though he was certain he was hotter than Luis, he still didn't like the idea of Clary feeding him.

"I'll be quick," Clary assured him.

"Fine, but if you don't come back up in ten minutes, I'm going down there," he said.

"Okay, be back in ten," Clary said, quickly giving Jace a kiss before heading down to the dungeons.

Thirty seconds after Clary left, Jace started drumming his fingers on the chair and checking the clock.

"Jace relax! She's been gone for a minute!" Izzy exclaimed, picking up a mundane celebrity magazine.

Jace just pursed his lips and sharpened blades to pass the time.


Clary walked down to the dungeons, humming to herself, trying not to spill the soup she had brought with her.

When she got to the cell, she carefully opened the door with one hand and stepped inside.

"Hey Luis, I-" she stopped because she saw that the chair was empty.

Did I go to the wrong cell? she thought.

She was just turning around to go to another cell when something hit her in the back of her head, making everything go black.


Jace felt weird; like something was off.

"I'm going down there," Jace said.

"It hasn't even been ten minutes yet," Izzy said.

"I'm going down there," Jace said again. "You coming?"

Izzy rolled her eyes at his over-protectiveness. "All right, let's go."

Jace raced down to the dungeons, dragging Izzy along with him.

The dungeons were eerily quiet.

Something was definitely wrong. Very wrong.

When they got to Luis's cell, they were horrified.

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