5. Hung-over

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Clary woke up with a killer headache. It felt like someone was in her skull and was pounding on everything they could get their hands on, trying to get out.  She groaned. She tried sitting up but soon found out that that was a bad idea. As soon as she sat up, she was hit with a sudden urge to throw up so she ran straight to the bathroom and did just that.

Clary faintly registered Jace coming into the bathroom and lifting her hair up as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

After she was done puking, she leaned back against the wall and groaned again.

"I am never getting drunk again!" she exclaimed, holding her head between her hands.

Jace chuckled, "The first time's the worst"

"Stop yelling!" she said, sliding down from her sitting position so that she was lying on the bathroom floor.

Jace rolled his eyes and left the room.

He came back a few seconds later with a glass of water and some aspirin.

"Here, drink this, it'll make you feel better," Jace said, speaking from experience.

Clary stuck the pills in her mouth and gulped down the water in a very un-ladylike manner.

Almost immediately, she threw up, and again, Jace held her hair back.

"By the Angel, my head hurts," Clary groaned.

"Come on, let's get you in the bath," Jace said.

Jace got the bath ready, stripped Clary down, and put her in the tub.

Clary had fallen asleep during the process so Jace had to wash her while keeping her head above the water. It was harder than you would think.

After the bath, he dressed her and put her back in bed.

He kissed the top of her head and left to see if anyone else needed help.

He went to Alec's room to see an unconscious Alec and an exhausted Magnus.

"How was Clary?" Magnus asked, not bothering to get up from his lying position on the bed.

"Fine, I guess, better than I was the first time," Jace said.

"She sleeping?"

"Yeah. How was Alec?" Jace asked.

"Whiny!" Magnus said. "Why don't Shadowhunters have a hangover rune?"

"That's a good idea," Jace mused. "I wonder if Clary can create one."

"You should ask her when she's better. Our lives would be so much easier," Magnus said.

"Can't you just use magic?" Jace asked.

"You can't use magic for everything!" Magnus said exasperatedly. "It's not just sprinkling sparkly fairy dust over everything like in the movies. Magic is very taxing and draining work!"

"Okay, well I was going to check on the other drunks, want to come?" Jace asked, changing the subject.

"Sure," Magnus sighed.

They went to Izzy's room and saw that Izzy wasn't there.

"Maybe she's in Sally's room," Magnus said.

"You didn't even get the gender right," Izzy said, coming up behind them.

They turned to see an annoyed Izzy leaning on the door frame, her arms crossed.

"Do you know how hard it is to take care of a hungover person while you're still hung over?" Izzy said.

"You don't seem like you're hung over," Jace said.

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