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Clarke:hey. Hey! Hey! Hey! Where's Monty? What the hell did you do to him?
Elena breaks the glass of the window and uses it to open the door but before she could she felt pain in her arm so clarke took over.
She then grabs a glass shard and opens the door to Monty's room.
Maya:Ah! What are you doing? I'll be contaminated.
She holds the glass shard to the girls neck.
Elena:Where's our friend?
Maya:He's fine. You don't understand, okay? He's-- Uhh!
Clarke:Take us to him.
Maya:Uhh! Elena you're bleeding both of you.
Clarke:How do you know our name?
Maya:It was on your charts.
Clarke:How do they know our name?
Maya:I don't know. Please don't hurt me.
Elena:You want to live? Do exactly what we say.
Maya moved her arm.
Elena:I don't think so.
Maya:Key card. I just need my key card.
Maya uses her keycard to access the elevator and she and Clarke and Elena enter, Elena still holding the glass shard to her throat.
Clarke:Which level? Who are you people? Answer me. How many of us are here? Where are they? Say something!
Female Voice:Arrived Level 5.
Clarke and Elena arrives before the mess hall and astonished to see what seems like a fully functional society.
Woman:Containment breach. Containment breach!
Alarms blare as people scream and guards come towards Clarke and Elena.
ClarkeWhere the hell are we?
Earth-The Woods
Bellamy, Monroe, and Sterling are hiding in the woods.
Bellamy:Get back down.
Monroe:You were followed?
Bellamy:Quiet. Have you seen Finn?
Monroe:Finn's alive?
Bellamy:He was. We got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so, we ran, but one of them followed. How'd you guys get out?
Monroe:We- we saw the Ark come down. we thought we'd come get help.
Sterling:Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but personally, I think-
Bellamy:Follow me. Stay low and quiet.

Who she was/ The 100
RomanceElena Griffin and Bellamy Blake had a past but while going to ground can Bellamy protect his sister and find love aging at the same time? Will Elena love Bellamy again? Season 1-7