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The Harvest Chamber

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The Harvest Chamber

Clarke and Elena is in the Harvest Chamber before Anya's cage.

Clarke:I'm gonna get you out of here.

Clarke searches the Harvest Chamber and finds a bar she can use as a crowbar to pry the lock open. She successfully breaks the lock freeing Anya however, they soon notices Dr. Tsing entering.

Elena:Get back in!

Clarke shoves Anya in the cage and gets in it herself and Elena the one next to them.

Clarke:Hey, no.

Dr. Tsing makes her way towards the cage and all the Grounder prisoners reach their arms out.

Dr. Tsing turns back and exits the Harvest Chamber.

Clarke:We've gotta go, now!

Clarke swings open the cage freeing herself and Anya.

They enter a room, an alarm sounds.

Anya:What is that?

Both Anya, Elena and Clarke are thrown down the trash chute.

They realize they are lying upon a mass of dead bodies.

Elena:Anya, Clarke take my hand!

Anya along with Clarke takes Elena's hand and they leap out of the cart.

Clarke:We're out. Hey come on, get dressed. We won't cover any ground like this.

Anya:I won't leave my people behind.

Elena:Anya listen to me,our people are still inside there. But they have guards they have weapons once we're out we can find help and come back and get them.

Anya:There is no "we". Someone's coming.

Clarke:Not just someone, Reapers.

Anya could barley walk.

Clarke:Hey, Anya, you can't fight you can hardly stand. I have a better idea come on.

The three of them jump into a cart pretending to be dead.

More bodies are thrown into the cart and that cart is wheeled away.

Camp Jaha

Major Byrne:Prisoners were last seen at lights out so they must have left sometime in the past 6 hours. Safe to say they headed for their dropship. But we'll put Davis on the search team just to be safe, he taught Earth Skills time to get some practical.

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