Earth skills

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Earth- The Woods

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Earth- The Woods

Finn:Clarke! Come on.

Octavia:Monty. Come on!

Finn:We got to go!

Octavia:Monty, get up!

Finn:Who are they?

Crows squawking.

Clarke:What are they?

Octavia:We are so screwed.

Jasper Distant scream.

Clarke:Jasper. He's alive.

Finn:Clarke, wait. Wait! Wait. Stay out of the trees. He was right there.

Monty:No. Where is he?

Clarke:They took him.

The Ark-Earth Monitoring Station

Equipment buzzing.

Metal clanging.

Abby:Talk to me, Jackson.

Jackson:Rumors are spreading. Witnesses saw a dropship launch. It's only a matter of time till the people figure out that we sent the hundred to the ground.

Abby:Let the council worry about the people. I need you focused on reestablishing communication with those kids. How many dark tiles?

Jackson:Twenty-three. We've been losing them at a steady rate all day. Abby, these are different. Vital signs spike for a longer duration before flat line; It looks like a pain response. This is what we'd expect to see with exposure to radiation.

Abby:I know what it looks like, Jackson, but there's another explanation. We just haven't found it yet.

Man:Chancellor on deck.

Jaha:My son. We sent them down to die.

Abby:No. We sent them down to live... To go to Earth to see if it was survivable so that all of us could live.

Kane:Abby, stop. I know this is hard, but we don't have time for false hope. This space station is dying, and Earth is not survivable. That is what the wristbands are telling us.

Abby:We don't know what they're telling us yet. Thelonious, listen to me. Please trust me. For all we know, those kids could be perfectly fine, including Wells.

Earth-The Camp

Wells  Sighs.

Kids clamoring.

Distant drums beating.

Male delinquints:Get him!Way to go!


Man:I got it, I got it!Dude, get back here!Move! Take it!See? Ha ha!

Atom:Hey, where'd you get the clothes?

Wells:Buried the two kids who died during the landing.

Atom:Smart. You know, I'll take it from here. There's always a market for...

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