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Bellamy sitting, waiting for any sign of Octavia and Elena

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Bellamy sitting, waiting for any sign of Octavia and Elena.

Bryan walks in followed by Sinclair.

Bellamy looks around and see's Kane, miller and Octavia with tears down there cheeks.

Bellamy:"Where's Lincoln?"

Octavia:"Pike put a bullet in his brain,"

Octavia takes her jacket off.

Bellamy:"O, O. I am so sorry,"

Octavia then quickly turns around and punches Bellamy in the face.

Octavia:"They trusted you. But Elena she did this for us but Pike... She loved you and Pike put a bullet in her brain too,"

Bellamy looked confused.

Bellamy:Elena's dead??

Octavia looked at him with anger.

Octavia:yeah she's dead.

Bellamy felt his tears starting to fall

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Bellamy felt his tears starting to fall.

Kane:"Octavia, that's enough,"

Bellamy:"Kane, stay out of this,"

Bellamy:"Kane, stay out of this,"

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Miller:"Stop. That's enough,"

Octavia:"Get out!"

Bellamy:"Miller, back up,"

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