The Warriors Will

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Sky:Get away from me. I'm going back.

Clarke:Oh, no, you're not It's 50 miles to Polis.
Now get down from there.

Sky:Let go of me.

Clarke:Sky...I'm sorry. Are you OK?I said no.
That thing is not staying in your head.

Sky:Yes, it is, and if you want to take it,you're gonna have to kill me.


Sky:What?You're willing to let my dad die and Indra and Gaia and my mom Why not me?

Clarke:Get in the Rover.

Clarke started to pull her to the rover.

Sky:No! Get off!

Clarke:We are not doing this now.

Sky:Let me go! Stop!Why are you doing this? I need to go back Commanders don't run away

Clarke:Well, it's a good thing you're not a Commander Damn it,Sky I thought the Flame was supposed to make you wise.

Madi:Octavia won't run away, and because of you, she'll get her war.

Scott just stood back to see what Clarke was going to do.

Clarke:Want to bet?

Madi:What are you gonna do?

Clarke:I'm gonna tell Diyoza that the eye is down I'm gonna tell Octavia that she knows She can decide not to march or march and be destroyed Either way, problem solved Now get in.

Madi:Clarke, be careful.

Sky:The worms.

Clarke and Scott went through them.

Scott threw it on the ground.

Scott:Two problems solved Now get in the Rover please girls.

The girls nodded and got back in.

Shadow valley.

McCreary:Nash...Check everything...cracks in the floor, the mattresses Junkies can be very resourceful.

Nash:Diyoza's book.

McCreary:You don't look so good, Doc.

Abby:That makes two of us Your lungs, they're...

McCreary:I can hear the fluid filling up in them.

Abby:Yeah. You're drowning You're not even getting wet.

McCreary:Well, fix me and get your fix.

Nash:No Place is clean, boss.

McCreary:Oh, I can see the convulsions coming.

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