Red Queen

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Indra; Octavia, the delagates have assembled.

Octavia: Dressing me up doesn't fool anyone. My blood is red, and it always will be.

Indra: Symbols matter, Octavia, these symbols. Trust me. The more people connect you to them, the easier it is for you to lead.

Niylah: The champion of Wonkru.

Octavia: Stop.

Niylah: Look what I found. I know Bellamy used to read you the parts about ancient Rome.

Octavia: Hmm. 'I intend to speak of forms changed into new entities.' Thank you. We're sparring tomorrow. Promise?

Niylah: Mhhm.

Octavia: Indra. Great. Here we go again. Complain to your mother.

Gaia: Mother--

Indra: Have you made up your mind?

Gaia: Changed my mind, you mean? No.

Indra: Gaia, people are getting restless. It won't take much for old hatreds to break into the open. If you throw your support behind Octavia--

Gaia: I said no, mother. The order of the flame will never support a red-blooded commander.

Indra: That red-blooded commander saved your life and everyone else's in this bunker. Your real commanders would've let you burn.

Osleya: Cabor of Delphikru stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!

Cabor': A brazen lie!

Osleya: There are witnesses; his guilt is not in question. By Sangedakru law he should be stoned and his family  cast out.

Kane: And on the ark, he would have been floated, but surely here, we can instill a justice system where the punishment fits the crime.

Osleya: The crime was against us; and our justice should prevail.

Octavia: So much for Wonkru.

Indra: Osleya is right. There are no seperate clans here. You do well not to forget that.

Osleya: Alright. Then what punishment does Osleya impose?

Octavia: For stealing blankets? Give them back. What's next?

Kane: Shh. Quiet. Somebody's out there. Here. Let me.

Abby: No. I can do it.

Kane: That's the most you've said to me in a month.

Abby: It's Clarke and Elena I know it is. Hurry.

Kane: Abby, you know Clarke and Elena went back to space with the others.

Abby: Thank you, but I don't need you to protect me from myself.

Kane: I'm not. I sent for you, didn't I? I just want you to be prepared.

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