Sleeping Giants

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Diyoza: This way!

Madi:mom,this isn't right.

Elena:Girls, I know, but this is our home, your home.

Skyler: and they want to take it from us.

Scott:that's right.

Madi:But he doesn't have to suffer. We can kill him now, right?

Elena: Not yet.


Man:Help me!

Diyoza: Hold. I said hold.

Mcrearey: This is not your damn army. I'm not just gonna let a man--

Diyoza: That ridge line, one o'clock.

Mcreary: Yeah.

Diyoza: Light it up.

Mcreary: My pleasure.


Elena: Madi.Skyler?Girls, are you okay? Get up.

Scott:Run. Run!


McCreary: They're on the move.

Diyoza: Get me someone to interrogate. That means alive, McCreary. You copy?

McCreary: I copy.

Diyoza: Go to the ship. Get me a stretcher and a med kit, now.

Shaw: A med kit? I didn't know they taught thoracic surgery in seal training. Maybe if you didn't make Paxton "Graveyard" McCreary your right hand, we'd still have a doctor--

Diyoza: McCreary's still useful, and so are you, for now. Go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.

Shaw: Why does it have to be war at all?

Diyoza: Spoken like a man who gave up jets for spaceships.

Shaw: What can I say? I choose speed over death every time.

Diyoza: How about life over death, Lieutenant? Do you choose that too? Without this valley, we die. I'd say that's worth fighting over, wouldn't you? Glad we got that cleared up.


Raven: Boys and girls, meet Eligius IV.

Emori: 'Powering a better tomorrow.'

Raven: Must be a mining ship.

Harper: Mining in space?

Monty: I've heard stories. Missions sent to mine asteroids or search for habitable planets, but that was a hundred years ago.

Bellamy: They got back somehow. Means they must have fuel.

Raven: Well, now there's a ship with a story to tell. It looks like one of the engines was destroyed. At least the hap is still rotating. That rotation means they'll have gravity. Sorry, lovebirds. No Zero-G space sex.

Emori: There. There's the docking bay.

Monty: I hate to ask this now. What if they're still inside?

Echo: We've been through this; if they were still inside and saw a foreign ship try to board them, they would shoot us out of the sky.

Raven: Okay. Commencing operation uninvited guests. Firing thrusters in 3, 2, 1. Emori, as soon as I line up with the hap, it's all yours. On my mark.

Emori: Okay, we're in alignment.

Raven: The nav is yours. It's just like the simulator.

Emori: Copy that.

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