Read the note at the bottom please.
Camp Jaha
Guard:Move, move, move!
Second Guard:Prisoners in custody.
Shouting indistinctly.
Major Byrne:Secure the perimeter! Teams of 3! 100-yard buffer! Open the gate! How many of you are there? Let's go!
Man:We gotta get her to medical. Move! Move!
Major Byrne :two of the prisoners is secured.
Abby:They're not a prisoners, They're my daughters.
Abby cups Clarke's and Elena's face in her hands.
Clarke, Elena are in medical,Abby is treating her injuries.
Abby:I need saline and a pressure dressing.
Jackson:I'm on it.
Abby:Ok, honey.
Clarke:We saw your ship crash.
Abby:I wasn't on it. I'm right here.
Major Byrne:Are they alright?
Abby:they will be.
Major Byrne:I'm sorry, ma'am. We had no idea who they were Where have you been?
Elena:Mount Weather.
Major Byrne:The Grounders took you to Mount Weather?
Elena:No. The mountain men. We have to get them out.
Abby:We're not doing this right now.
Major Byrne:Yes, ma'am.
Elena:Mom. Did anyone else make it here?
Abby:Yes. 6 of you did.
Clarke:Finn and Bellamy?
Abby nods.
Elena crying:I thought they were dead. I thought you were dead. We thought you were dead.
Abby:Not me. I'm right here.
She kisses Her daughter's foreheads.
Mount Weather
Dante:Thank you for coming. I've been told you visit medical 3 or 4 times a day asking about Clarke and Elena.
Jasper:Yeah. No one will let me see her.
Dante:That's because they are no longer here. Clarke and Elena ran away. I tried to convince them that they were safe here, but they couldn't stop looking for enemies when they were among friends.
Jasper:I'm sorry. I don't mean to be disrespectful but... Clarke and Elena wouldn't just abandon us.
Dante:I wish it wasn't the case.
Jasper:Why? Are you looking for them?
Dante:I can't risk the lives of my people to bring back someone who doesn't want to be here. I hope you can understand that.
Dante:What I can do is let you go after her yourself.
Jasper:Could I come back?
Who she was/ The 100
RomanceElena Griffin and Bellamy Blake had a past but while going to ground can Bellamy protect his sister and find love aging at the same time? Will Elena love Bellamy again? Season 1-7