Elena Griffin and Bellamy Blake had a past but while going to ground can Bellamy protect his sister and find love aging at the same time?
Will Elena love Bellamy again?
Season 1-7
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Earth-The Bunker
Finn "Hey."
Clarke "Hi.
Clarke started stroking Finn's hair.
Clarke;It's almost dawn. We should probably get going, can't just lie around in bed all day."
Finn "Or we could lie just lie around in bed all day."
Clarke Finn...you know that last night wasn't just about needing someone. I needed you. I wanted it to be you. You understand that, right?
Finn "Sure. And I should probably tell you that last night, for me, wasn't really about you. I just wanted to have my first Earth sex."
They giggle.
Finn "You were around. Passably cute."
Clarke snorts.
she climbs back on top of him.
Abby coughing.
door opens.
Sergeant "Prisoner. Step to the rear of the cell."
Abby "Have we heard from Raven?"
Jaha "You can leave us alone, Sergeant."
Sergeant "Sir." [exits]
Abby "Has Raven started her descent?"
Jaha hands Abby tablet.
Abby "Environmental numbers."
Jaha "As of this morning, oxygen is down sixteen percent. CO2 and methane are heading to red levels."
Abby "Our projections said we wouldn't be critical for another three months."
Jaha "Your husband's projections were wrong. The council has granted you work release pending review. Medical is overwhelmed. Dizziness, fatigue, vision problems."
Abby "It's pulmonary toxicity. I know how they feel."
Jaha "The prison section has been on half-air since midnight."
pulls out oxygen mask.
Abby "No. I'm not gonna take more than my share. We start choosing who gets extra O2 and were one step closer to choosing who lives and who dies."
Jaha "Abby...the council approved Kane's population reduction plan three hours ago."
Abby "You voted without me?"
Jaha "We followed the rules of order. It wouldn't have mattered. Their approval was unanimous. We start in twelve hours."