Elena Griffin and Bellamy Blake had a past but while going to ground can Bellamy protect his sister and find love aging at the same time?
Will Elena love Bellamy again?
Season 1-7
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EMERSON panting, gasping for air.
EMERSON continues panting.
Emerson "Sir, you're too far... from the door, way too far."
Cage "Just breathe. Don't worry about me."
Emerson "You did it, didn't you, sir? Huh? The marrow treatment, it worked."
Cage "We did it, lieutenant."
EMERSON breathes raggedly.
Cage "The ground is ours. The ground is ours."
Miller "We've been locked up for hours. If it was Bellamy--"
Jasper "It was Bellamy. I'm telling you, he's here."
Miller "All right."
Monty "It doesn't make any sense."
Jasper "I know what I saw."
Fox "Not again."
Guards "Back up, everyone. Back up. Move! Off to the sides. Get back."
Harper "No. No!"
Monty "Hey, hey! Get off her!"
Dr. Tsing "No, not her. She needs more time to recover. This one."
Delinquent "No. Wait, wait! No, please! No!"
Jasper "Stop! You can't keep doing this to us President Wallace said we could go."
Dr. Tsing "That President Wallace is no longer in command. He had to step down for health reasons. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I hope you know you're all incredibly special to us."
Guard "Clear out. Go."
Clarke "Has he checked in yet?"
Raven "No. You worried someone's gonna try and take a shot at you inside the Ark?"
Clarke "Wait outside, Ryder Lexa's orders."
Raven "Whatever, Clarke."
Clarke "He's late. What if something's happened to him?"
Raven "He'll be fine."
Elena "You've been busy. Why are you focusing on the dam? I told you acid fog was our priority."
Raven "Until Bellamy gets eyes on their dispersal system, there's only so much I can do."
Elena "Fine. Tell me about the dam. Can we cut off their power?"
Raven "Maybe. I'm still playing with a few things."