Adjustment Protocol

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Russell:After the execution, we found more graffiti Who knows what poison those escaped prisoners are spreading One of them already killed Simone.

Clarke:If this continues, they are going to come for us.

Russell:Right now, their rebellion is at a tipping point Must crush it tonight Get everything back to normal When our people see all of us returned at once, they will fall to their knees.

Sky:We should've killed you first Once we're free, you will burn.

Elena let out a tear.

Elena:Well, that's a little dramatic.

Sky:You will all burn!You will not get rid of us!
We are eternal!

Russell:Guards,bring the doctors.

Jackson:Stay still She'll tear out the IVs.
We have to take her again.

Sky:I know what you're doing, Reyes You think you're smart enough to get rid of me?If you don't stop, I will kill this child.

That's better.

Thank you.

Russell:There How do you feel?

Clarke:Peachy keen Josephine.

Elena:and I'm okay.

Abby looked at her daughters.


Elena:Oh, stop it we're not them.

Abby walked up to Russell and smacked him.

Abby:I will kill you for this.

Elena and Clarke looked shocked but held back from showing it.

Russell:I once believed that I would never stray from the moral path,and then I killed my family in the first eclipse I'd have done anything to bring them back So I believe you How many doses of the serum do you have?

Jackson:4, including the one your people took to the machine shop for Simone.

Russell:6 Primes must be resurrected tonight.

Jackson:That's two more doses Sky wouldn't survive that.

Russell:If it's too hard for you to continue, my healers will take your place They're already familiar with the process It would be no trouble.

Jackson:No. I can do it.

Russell:Good. Remember, this was the deal that saved you from the pyre I'd hate for that to change.


Abby let out tears now knowing her daughters are really gone.


Layla:What do we do now?

Bellamy:Now we wait Clarke and Elena will get it down.

Bellamy looked at Octavia.

Bellamy:You You can go in and help her.

Octavia:How, Bell?They know what he looks like from Jade Besides, it's not the plan.

Bellamy:Everyone, stand down. Stay low Out of sight of the hourly patrols.

Bellamy:I left them And that's why they're still alive.

Octavia:You don't know that You heard Murphy Echo's in trouble.

Echo's strong. She'll be ok.

Everybody always thinks that Hell, I do it, too.

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