The Last War

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Sanctum - Lab

Raven and Murphy enter pushing the gurney holding Jackson and Emroi.

Jackson continues CPR]

Raven:Almost there!

Murphy:Stay with us, Emori. Stay with us!

Raven:Ok. Slow, slow. Murph.

Murphy:I got it!

Jackson:Raven, get the Defibrillator.



Murphy:Hey. Come on, baby. Come on, baby. Stay with me.

Raven brings over the Defibrillator.

Jackson:Good. Now-

Raven:I know how. I've used one on myself.

Murphy:Jax, what can I do?

Jackson:Nothing yet. Ok.



Defibrillator powers up and shocks Emori's body]

Electricity buzzing.

Defibrillator powers down]

Emori doesn't move]

Murphy:Come on!

Jackson:One more time. Come on. Raven, clear!

Defibrillator powers up and shocks Emori's body.

Electricity buzzing.

Defibrillator powers down]

Emori [Exhales]

Murphy:Good job.

Jackson:Her pulse is weak. She's lost too much blood.

Murphy:So we give her mine.

Raven:Mine, too.

Jackson:Murphy's a Nightblood. You're not.

Raven Wha-

Jackson:Just go back for the others.

Raven I can't just leave her like this.

Jackson:Unless you've done abdominal surgery on yourself, too, there's nothing more you can do. I'll get her stable, then take out the bar.

Murphy:Raven, he's right. They could be trapped. You got to get them out.

Raven:Alone? How?

Murphy:I don't know.

Raven:Never mind. I'll figure it out. Just...just save her.

Murphy:Hey. Once our friends are safe, you have to go after Skyler, ok? You have to stop Cadogan.

Raven leaves.

Bardo - Hallway to Stone Control Room

Guard:Shepherd en route to Bridge. All Disciples, stay alert.

Bardo - Elevator

Levitt:The Shepherd's unit will be with him guarding the door...

Bellamy:Too bad for them.

Bellamy:pulls out two grenades from his pockets]

Levitt:Grenades? So more killing, that's the answer?

Elevator door opens]

Bellamy exits]

Octavia:It's what we do.

Octavia exits]

Levitt follows]

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