The Queen's Gambit

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Guard: Come on!

Gabriel: What is this?

Guard: Up. Come.

Gabriel: Where are we going? Look, my friends-- what happened to them?

Guard: Doubt they'd call you a friend since you got them captured.

Gabriel: No, no, no, no, no! Echo! Hope! I'm sorry!

Anders: Dr. Santiago. Come. Please. Miraculous, isn't it? A gift from those who have transcended, or so we believe. Lorenza, we can proceed.

Gabriel: Transcended?

Anders: The shepherd teaches us that winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species. I thought Orlando would have taught you that. He hanged himself in the cabin. It appears we need to rethink our penal system. We lost 25 disciples thanks to you and yours. I just sent the others off to Nakara, but I thought that you might like to say good-bye.

Gabriel: I'm sure hope and Echo would, too.

Anders: We have different plans for them. Please.

Gabriel: Death is life. Is Nakara your heaven?

Anders: He left that out, too, did he? No, we don't believe in heaven, doctor. Like I said, we believe in transcendence.

Gabriel: Transcendence through the stone?

Anders: Correct. From the little we've gathered about you from Octavia, I believe that you can help us get there.

Gabriel: Really? And why would I help you?

Anders: Because you don't want to be executed.

Gabriel: I don't want my friends to be executed either.

Anders: Well, that's up to them. You've been studying the stone for 150 years. We've been doing so for nearly 1,000, and still, its true power remains locked away. I would like you to help us unlock it. We'll share our knowledge, you'll share yours, and all you have to do is say, "yes," and tell us everything you know about Elena Griffin.

Gabriel:Elena? What does Elena have to do with any of this?

Gabriel:Elena? What does Elena have to do with any of this?

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Anders:Join our cipher team and you'll understand why.

Gabriel: Do I get a robe?


Emori: Rise and shine, errand boy. The dark commander needs his breakfast. No one else is allowed to talk to him, and if you wait too long, someone might. Last thing we need is for him to get into someone else's head.

Murphy: Fine. I'm going. Should have gone with Inda, though. She got to go looking for our friends while we're stuck here babysitting the fanatics.

Emori: Indra left us in charge because the faithful follow us both.

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