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Monty: Can you see it? Is it beautiful? It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again.

Bellamy: I know this is a lot to process. Take an hour and meet in the mess. We need to game this out.

Clarke: Guys, we survived. Monty made sure of it.

Abby: Now we get our humanity back.

Raven: Some of us never lost it.

Shaw: Raven-- Raven, slow down. Are you okay?

Raven: No. I'm not. They left us.

Shaw: They chose to be happy. I don't know about you, but spending a lifetime alone with someone you love sounds pretty damn good to me.

Raven: No more talking. Where can we go?

Shaw: I have a stateroom.  Dangerous curves ahead.

Raven: Did you know Becca did the coding for the Eligius missions when she was only 18?

Shaw: I met her once on the bridge of the ship the day we launched.

Raven: What was she like?

Shaw: She was like you.

Raven: You're just trying to get me to have sex with you again.

Shaw: When I took the Eligius run, everyone thought I was crazy--24 Earth years. If they offered it to me today, I wouldn't take it.

Raven: Yep. That'll do it.


Jordan: There you are. Checking on Madi? And Skyler?

Elena: Yeah.

Jordan: My dad preserved this for when we woke up. I'm told it doesn't taste very good,  but since it's all I've ever eaten--

Elena: Thanks.

Jordan: Your mom's not touching hers, by the way.

Elena: She's worried about Kane. We'll go talk to her.

Jordan: Kane. I forgot. Uh, stay here.

Front of the ship.

Bellamy: Hey, you see Raven or Shaw?

Emori: You know, the people you handed over to our enemy to be tortured.

Murphy: Now, for Clarke, and Elena we call that a Tuesday.

Elena gave Murphy a look.

Echo: Easy. She did the right thing in the end.

Clarke: No. I haven't seen them. 

Elena and Clarke walked over to their mother.

Elena:Hey... Mom, you've got to eat. It could be a while before we find a food source.

Abby: What I need is a source for Propofol or Pentobarbitol.

Jordan: Will first-culture algae do? My dad wanted me to give this to you.

Clarke: The stuff Bellamy used on Octavia.

Jordan: Exactly. The first generation induces coma. He was hoping you could use it to save Kane.

Abby: Thank you. Take Jackson to the ground. I'll wake up Niylah to assist me.

Raven: What did we miss?

Bellamy: Nothing. It's about time. Take a seat. Okay, everyone. Listen up. Here's what we know. Eligius III was a colonizing misison. According to the file, the mothership went to 5 planets that met necessary conditions for life, dropping mission teams on each one. Monty picked planet Alpha for us because it's the closest and probably the most like Earth.

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