Elena Griffin and Bellamy Blake had a past but while going to ground can Bellamy protect his sister and find love aging at the same time?
Will Elena love Bellamy again?
Season 1-7
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Flashback the Ark, 17 years ago
Aurora groaning with labor pains.
Bellamy:Mom, please, let me get a doctor.
Aurora gasping:No! You can't tell anyone. Tell me what happens if you do. Say it.
Bellamy:Y-you get floated. I don't understand. Why is it wrong to have more than one baby?
Aurora:The Ark couldn't survive. The chancellor can't allow it.
Bellamy:He's, like, the emperor Augustus, right?
Aurora:That's right. Just like the emperor we read about. gasping The baby's coming. Get the blanket.
Bellamy grabs blanket as baby comes out. They wrap her in the blanket.
Aurora.My brave boy. You have a sister gives her to Bellamy You should name her.
Bellamy:Augustus had a sister. Octavia.
Octavia starts to fuss.
Aurora:Bellamy, you can't let her cry. Here. Give her to me.
Bellamy:No, mom, mom, you can't fall asleep.
Aurora:I'm so tired. Your sister. Your responsibility.
Octavia starts to cry.
Bellamy:Mom, mom, what do I do? Mom!
Aurora falls asleep.
Bellamy:Shh! Please! Shh shh shh! puts his index finger in Octavia's mouth See, I told you. It's okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Octavia. I promise.
Earth-The Camp
Bellamy looking for Octavia, he goes and looks in Octavia's tent but see's nothing then he moves on to Clarke's tent.
Bellamy:You're up?
Clarke gets out of tent:Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep.