Chapter 13

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The night was busy. We had about three different parties come in. Honestly it was pretty stressful, especially since it was just me and Stacie working. Today she wore a red dress with lace on the arms, with a corset tight around her already this perfect waist. She had her classic red lips on and was doing a hell of a lot better than I was that's for sure. I was mainly doing song request's it felt like. I didn't see Damon once today, and it was already 7 o'clock in the afternoon. Earlier today I received a text from him saying wait for him at the club, but its already been over an hour.

Fuck it. I'm gonna call him.

The phone rang, and rang, and rang. No answer. That's when I became irritated. "Well, thanks for standing me up." I said after scoffing on his voicemails. I couldn't stop myself from getting an attitude it's just who i was. And I knew Damon didn't like attitudes. 

I walked out of the building and to my car, after saying bye to Stacie. On my way to my apartment I stopped by and got some rolling papers at my gas station. As I walked into my apartment I looked back at Damon's door. There was yelling coming form the inside, but it sounded like a movie. Great to know. He can watch a movie, but texting Madeline back? No, no no. I walked into my apartment and threw my papers on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen. To my surprise I seen what looked like Damon standing in my kitchen shirtless with his back to me. As I continued to look at him I seen a black like fog, or smoke coming from the front of his face I think. 

"Damon?" I questioned, hesitantly moving forward.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" He yelled with a deep growl as he faced me. His face was pale and his eye were pitch black with smoke coming out of them and lines going around them. I screamed before I fell back on my ass and he snarled. That's when I lost consciousness. 

.                     .                     .

I opened my blurry eyes with a clock right in front of my face. Hm, I must be in my bed. The clock read 8:30, which meant i was only asleep for about an hour. I rolled over and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Fuck!" I yelled as I jolted. 

Damon was sitting next to me on the bed. "Are you okay?" He asked with a small laugh. Probably laughing about me being a pussy. "I heard like a really loud scream so I came and knocked on the door but you wouldn't answer. By then everything was quiet so I got nervous and walked in." He said with a worried expression while slightly biting his lip.

My mind went to the anomaly of Damon I seen earlier. The very thing that scared me so bad that I fell unconscious. "I'm okay. I just uh- A bug. There was a bug and it scared me so bad I fell back, and must've hit my head on the wall." A quiet hum escaped his mouth, as he frowned at my hesitation of an explanation. I doubt he believed me with the way he was looking at me but I didn't owe him an explanation in the first place truly. Also, I dare not tell him I am hallucinating and seeing figures of him.

"Well, I'd bet you don't want to go n a date with me anymore huh?"

"Why do you say that?" I asking tilting my head to the side.

His head followed mine as he said, "It's just you left a voicemail when you called, and you didn't sound very happy with me."

"Oh right! Well honestly I was frustrated because it seemed I was waiting forever. Not to mention you hadn't even left, or else you wouldn't have heard me scream."

"I'm sorry that I didn't answer your calls I was dealing with something troublesome."

"It's fine. Would you like to smoke? My head hurts pretty bad." 

He nodded, and with that I got up. My legs were shaky and my eyes were still kinda blurry. I walked into the living room and grabbed a jar of bud from under my couch, and my rolling papers from off the table. Quickly I rolled a slightly sloppy joint, but it was okay. I put the joint in my mouth and stared to reach for my lighter, but before I could grab it Damon lit his offering to light it for me. I almost let him but instead used my own lighter. He clenched his jaw while smiling as if he was holding his tongue. When I was younger my foster mom wasn't aloud to have a lighter and light her own cigarettes. My father wanted to control everything about her. I loved my foster dad, but hated the way he made her feel.

"So would you like to do anything after we get done smoking?" He asked as he watched me take quick sharp puffs.

"I don't know really. Maybe walk around downtown and look at some things?"

"Maybe. Downtown Seattle has a lot of demons around at night." He replied. "But I suppose I can take care of us. After all I am one of the most powerful men in town."

I rolled my eyes at his ego, and then he stared at me directly in the eyes. His eyebrow raised and I got the feeling he was waiting for me to apologize. I smiled widely and then walked forawrd and out of the building looking for a reaction, but got none. Instead he smiled weakly and turned his head. He started babbling about some building as we continued to walk, but I couldn't hear anything. Something was wrong, he was avoiding having his face in my line of vision.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking a little faster trying to prep around him.

"Nothing why?" His head snapped to look at me. He looked fine but I could tell something was just a second ago. I decided to not push the issue though.

"I was just asking it seemed you were. But what were you saying previously?" By now we were almost two blocks from the apartments.

"I don't even remember honestly. Do you wanna go grab some fast food or something?"

I was about to answer him before I saw something. No someone, a woman. She looked like she was whispering into a man's ear. Her hands were on his back and she was walking him to the alley in the back of what I assumed was a bar.

I was walking towards the road when Damon grabbed my arm. "Don't."


Dude I promise imma try to update more because I actually enjoyed writing this chapter. I've just been like going mad crazy but I'm gonna try I promise. I love you sm if you've made it this far comments always makes me feel awesome. If you ever see typos feel free to point them put it really helps me in the end lol

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