Chapter 30

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We followed Deleigh as her hand continued to point north. Honestly we were walking for a while, I realistically could have just transported us to where ever. It was getting dark and I had a bad feeling rumbling around in my stomach. We were in the middle of Seattle and some people are just as evil as demons.

My eyes wouldn't remove themselves from the beautiful goddess by my side. I finally had her back. After all the war, all the bullshit. So much abuse. But I think we have a chance this time truly. I will fight for her this time, if that's what she wants.

"Hey, Lotin? What are you doing?" Stacie asked as he looked at a holy man watching us. He held a cross in his hands tightly. Just as I thought we were going to follow Deleigh further, Lotin started walking towards the priest.

"Dude stop." I said with a serious tone as his feet moved across the street. "LOTIN!" I shouted before running after him. But before I reached him he was standing before the man. Immediately the cross touched Lotin's forehead. Thankfully it was just a split second before I stanched him away. A large cross burn was burned into his head.

"What happened? It hurts so fucking bad!" Lotin yelled reaching up to touch the burn.

"You walked right up to this priest! What were you doing?" I asked shaking his shoulders. If it would have been on there for just a few seconds longer, he would have died. He inherited this from his vampire mother.

"I- I don't know. I don't remember anything." He says looking around.

"Where is Demari?" He asked with wide eyes. Right then my heart sank. I turned around and Madeline was gone.

"Fuck! Did anyone see her?" I asked looking at our little group.

"No I thought she was right behind us." Stacie said with frustration. Which I understood.

"Where would she have gone?" Deleigh questioned with a sad face. This was not good. If war breaks out and she's in the middle of it, everything could die. And I mean everything.

"My father. He was behind us at some point. I can smell him." Lotin said with a low growl.

"Then we go to Hell and see if she's there." I said determinedly.

"That's where the war is starting Damon. And Deleigh can't freely just go there." Stacie reminded me waving her hands in front of my face. I grabbed her face and kissed her forehead.

"I know. That's why you'll stay here and go to a sanctuary with her." I said pointing to Deleigh. "And me and Lotin will save her. I love you Stacie, you are apart of me. You are my sister in soul. If I don't return, please forgive me." I said before pushing Stacie away, grabbing Lotin, and falling back into a hole portal to hell. Quickly I closed it before Stacie could follow. It felt like I was falling for hours before hitting the hard rock beneath me.

Instead of showing up inside the castle which Lucifer resides in, we were in the entrance.  "Well this is fucking great, we have to fight our way through this bullshit." Lotin said pointing to an army of demons given to Lucifer by Hades. I knew they were waiting for us.

We quickly fought our way through the weakest demons, before some of the stronger ones came through. And if we have to fight Lotin's brothers, we will probably perish. The large castle in the distance became closer, but I couldn't feel Madeline. After fighting surprisingly weaker demons the entire way to the castle, we finally approached the destination. I busted through the castle doors to find the ballroom completely empty.

"Where could she be? You lived in here." I asked looking at Lotin.

"Na, my dad moved the castle around. The ball room isn't the first thing after the entrance. But now it is. He really prepared for a mind fuck. First those weak imps, now this?" He said with a scowl on his face. This man was like my brother and I just realized how much I truly missed him.

"I'm going to see if I can find her dreams." I said before sitting down. I closed my eyes before I felt my body turn into dust. In less than an instant I was before my beautiful girl as she laid down peacefully.

"Damon?" Madeline questioned as her dream body looked at me.

"My love. Where are you?" I asked looking into her beautiful dark eyes.

"You have to go, NOW!" She shouted before turning into dust. What? Why would she tell me to go? I transported myself in front of Lotin with tears in my eyes.

"What happened what's wrong!" Lotin exclaimed running to my aid.

"She- she told me to go. She was in a room with a huge bed. It had like red or pink drapes hanging from the bed." I described to him while holding my head.

"That- no that can't be right." Lotin said with a laugh, that didn't sound funny. He stumbled back and fell on his ass.

"What?" I questioned looking at him.

"My dad. Has a room reserved for his queen, which no one has ever met. One time I snuck into her room and it was empty. It had a bed like that." He said shaking his head no. His head was flooded with memories of everyone hurting Demari, including him.

I stood up and walked up the large staircase infront of me. If she's in this castle I will find her.

"And where do you think you're going?" I heard a voice ask from behind me and Lotin. It was none other than his brother, Louie.

"Just stay back there, this won't take long." I said as I continued to walk. Louie then appeared in front of me.

"No, you started all of this. If you'd just stop fighting for that bitch this wouldn't be happening!" He yelled at me as he threw a punch. I instantly caught his fist in my large demonic hand before twisting it all the way around. He howled in pain.

"Get the fuck out of my way" I growled before using my other hand to smash his face into the ceramic floor, making it break underneath us

We are approaching like the last few chapters of this book, and then after I finish Twice the Wrath a sequel to this book will come pout. I'm sorry it takes me months to update but soon we will have a finished book ayyyy

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