Chapter 27

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After almost 7, hours of driving it was dark and I was so tired. And by the looks of it so was Damon.

"Can Demons get sleepy?" I questioned looking over at him.

He chuckled at me. "If a goddess can, then I would safely assume that a mere demon can my love."

"Right. Sorry I forget. I just feel human." I said crossing my arms with a pout.

"Well so do I right now. The only time I don't is when I push myself or someone else pushes me." He explained occasionally looking at me.

"So I should push myself harder?" I inquired knocking my head on one side.

"No, not at all. Let's stop and get a motel room or something. I need a nap at least." He pulled out his phone looking something up. Honestly it made me nervous because he was still driving! But I trust him, he can probably see the road still.

After some time Damon pulled into a city with huge buildings. Unsure if the name, I knew I must've heard of the name before because it was almost as big as Seattle.

"Where are we love?" I asked looking outside of the car window.

"This is the SexusDae. The city of sex demons. Stay with me please? I would hate to have to kill a low class demon for touching you." He mentioned as we pulled into not a motel, but probably the fanciest stay in I've seen in my life.
After we pulled over Damon grabbed my hand and lead me through the maze to a room. A room with a black door. I tilted my head with interest as he opened the door.

The room was candle lit with pink and black blankets and lace everywhere, especially on the bed. The carpet was black with a few pink rugs around.

"This is my room, believe it or not I actually own this building." Damon said standing up straight with a smile.

"Yeah, I believe that." I said with a laugh. " But why is the room so girly? I don't wanna sleep in a place you done fucked a bunch of girls in."

"No don't worry I wouldn't do that to you. I've slept here like three times. And it's not girly just because it's pink. I like pink a lot thank you. Favorite color." He said jumping on the bed.

I jumped next to him on the bed before he planted a kiss on my lips. "I am so in love with you Damon."

"I have loved you for as long as I can remember." He said deeply before passionately kissing me again. His hands traveled up the side of my body eventually settling in my breast. I grabbed the back of his head pulling him even deeper into the kiss. He squeezed my boobs making me whine a little bit. His hands reached to my back and underneath my shirt to unclasp my bra. He pecked me on the lips before I say up straight for him to fully remove my bra.

Softly, he pushed me back down on the bed. His head traveled underneath my shirt and to my nipple before his lips, and teeth latched around it. He lapped his tongue around my hard nipple making me moan, and twitch my hips.

"Are you excited princess?" He asked after letting go.

"Yes, yes I am." I replied rolling my eyes.

"If there's anything you ever need all you need to do is ask me my sweet." He said after coming out of my shirt which was now extremely stretched out.

"And vise versa." I said with a bratty smile hoping that he would just start it.

"Oh I know." He smiled sitting up.

We sat there for a good few minutes just staring at each other waiting for the other to start.

"Ugh! Fine. Please come fuck me." I groaned while sitting up.

"How do you address my doll?" He said grabbing my face softly.

"M-master." I said with a swallow.

"Then do so."

"Will you please fuck me, master?" I said with doe eyes that I just knew Damon would love to destroy.

He harshly pushed me back down before removing evey bit of clothing I had on. He put my hands above my head, gripping the headboard of the bed.

"Do not move your hands from there." He ordered glaring into my eyes. He tickled my hips and belly with kisses making my body jolt forward. He touched my core before licking his hand. "You're so wet beautiful." Quickly he pulls his own clothes off before positioning himself to enter me.

"Remember, keep your hands there." He ordered before shoving his length inside me making my head fall back instantly. My hands wrapped around his shoulders making him grab my boob harshly. "You heard me girl." I slowly moved my hands to hold the head board again. Everything around me blurred from the pleasure. With every thrust and body slap I felt like we became closer and closer to one being.

Once again, his lips attacked my sore aching nipple and roughly twisted it with his tongue making me cry out in pleasure and pain.

"I love how beautiful you look when I fuck you good." He whispered into my ear causing shivers to go all through me. I was sure I was blushing. His thrust became sloppy, as he could no longer hold back any moans. I moved my hips with him intensifying his pleasure as he approached his climax. With one last hard trust he came in me moaning loudly.  He leaned down and kissed me passionately before getting up.

"Thank you Damon, I love you."

"Thank you for what? And I love you the most." He questioned looking at me.

"For coming into this life and helping me find my way. If I wasn't with you right now I might not have ever found anything out." I explained somberly. He smiled at me and turned around to get dressed. I hope these moments can last forever.

I know I suck I keep like waiting forever to update but it is hard man😭 it takes me like a long time to have ideas for chapters, and then when I had one I seen I had already started writing this one, so I hope I won't take months to write another chapter. Maybe today or tomorrow honestly.

If you like dark romance please read Twice The Wrath on my page. I'm actually looking to update that books cover.

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