Chapter 23

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"You don't understand Bonnie. I need to get her back!" I shouted as smoke clouded my eyes.

"Woah big boy, you of all people know I can't just open a portal to hell. That's just not how it works." Bonnie explained trying to calm me down. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on her, but she's the only person that could possibly help us.

"Please Bonnie, you're all we've got." Stacie cried. She wasn't even transformer. In fact she's not been eating at all.

"I have a deal you guys. I get these powers for a price. If I lie to Luici-"

"FUCK THAT MOTHER FUCKER AND HIS BITCH ASS SONS!" I screamed cutting Bonnie off.

"Fuck it, I'm calling my brother." Bonnie said pulling her phone out.

"How could Brian be of any help to us at all?" I questioned irritability.

"Because I have a deal with Luci- I mean him but Brain has a deal with Hades." Bonnie answered. She then called her brother explaining the situation, and he was happy to help. Brian, and Madeline were once grate friends. It wasn't long before Brian arrived.

"We need to make a plan. They night kill her." I said with tears coming to my eyes. Everyone was talking making a plan, bit I couldn't stop thinking about the first time I seen her up close in that open field. What would I do if she actually died? I know me nor Stacie could survive. Nothing would ever compare to Madeline.
     *                           *                                *

"Why are you asleep?" Demari questioned.

"It's the only place I ever see you." I responded.

"You look like you're ready." She said, making me feel like she was sort of ignoring me.

"Listen, I love you. You know this. Madeline is in hell. And if you become one with her while Leaum, and his brothers have you, they will kill you. We all know they're ready to kill the red giant." I explained with pleading eyes. Part of me wanted her to stay human. Frail, needing me to protect her. But I couldn't protect her against those three devils.

"So long as I stay as the red giant I will be okay. Don't forget my beautiful man, I was born as the same fire as you. Just because I'm a soft pink human, doesn't mean Madeline doesn't have power. She is me, my love. She just doesn't know it." Demari replied. She was walking around in a red gown, that was completely see through. She was definitely the embodiment of a goddess. Her hair was healthy and strong, her eyes completely black, and her hair almost white.

"She needs you. Without you guys as one, Madeline might die. I can't wait any longer, nor can Stacie to be with you."

"No, lover. She needs you. She needs you and Stacie together. That same insecurity is exactly what almost killed me. If you would have just fought by our si-"

"I cannot beat the Demari! Fighting them even with you or Stacie is pointless! Lucifer will grant his sons every wish during those times." I shouted cutting her off.

Her laugher boomed into the wet black mass around us. "You could kill that son of a bitch."

  *                               *                             *

I shot up out of bed. I hardly ever sleep, but I needed to talk to her. But she's obviously delusional. Lucifer was the Christian God's son. I was born by Hades fire. That God doesn't consider me a son, never has. I was bred for his army that never fought. Lucifer was once loved by a God. He was a direct line, and somewhat of a demi God. He ruled over the part of the underworld that was Hell, which was almost all of it.

Twice now Lucifer and Hades almost had a wars, until Leaum begged his father to stop the nonsense the second time. And one thing Lucifer does is anything for his sons. Due to him not fighting Hades over his sons request, Lucifer gave Hades army ten thousand more Sucubuss and Incubus souls.

"Damon. Are you okay?" Stacie asked looking over at me.

"Just thinking of how all this started." I answered. "Are you okay Stacie?"

"I want to die again. If I can't have her I might just end this. Give my soul back to Lucifer or something." Stacie admitted with tears in her eyes.

"I talked to Demari." I said pressing my lips together.

Her head snapped over towards me. "What did she say?" Stacie questioned with hopeful glints in her eyes.

"She said that Madeline needs us, and not her." I replied feeling confused.

"Well I mean maybe all three of us, but without her we are just some low rank fuck demons against the L brothers." She said with a sigh. I didn't even believe that entirely either.

'Stacie do you hear me?'

'Well yes of course. Why are we using telepathy to communicate?'

'Demari told me we could kill Lucifer.'

Stacie's eyes widened and she smiled.

'I want to watch him die. I have a bone to pick with him.'

'I know, and you will get that closure.'

Hi sorry sorry short chapter, this one is mainly for lore ofc.


Also.if you like super super dark romances I recommend my new book Twice The Wrath

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