Chapter 22

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Lotin. Lotin. Seriously it does not ring a bell. I remebr being sexual with Damon, but I dint remeber Lotin at all. I felt bad when he started crying. But Damon says that Lotin is bad, and never loved me. Just used me.

"Are you guys okay?" Stacie asked running through the door. "Why did Lotin come here?"

"He wanted to see Demar- I mean Madeline." Damon said sitting on his couch.

I wanted to remeber everything.

"Guys I wanna go home. I'll text either of you." I said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Okay, well... we love you." Stacie said with a sad face.

"I love you guys too." I said with a smile. They both grinned before I walked out into the hallway. But I didn't go home.

I'm going to look for Lotin. I'm in control of me. And I will find out the truth about myself. My legs took me out if the apartment building and I looked around.

"L-lotin?"I asked hesitantly. I was looking everywhere around my building and couldn't find him. That was until I looked across the street to see an ominous man, with blonde hair. He looked like Louie, from the night Damon kissed the other girl. But this nab was taller, and had more muscle than he did. I crossed the street and started to approach who I assumed was Lotin.

"Yes my darling?" He asked looking down at me.

"Well, I still don't remeber anything." I said and let my arma fall to my side..

"You won't, not until we have you again." Lotin said with an evil smile. His teeth were sharp, and his eyes were red. "You will remeber once we have our claim on you again. We will be powerful enough to kill the red giant." He said in a low tone walking closer to me. I'm starting to feel like I've made a mistake as, this was starting to scare me.

"Wh- what's that mean?"I asked backing up against a wall. Shit.

"Oh my fuck, I love it when you do that." He said tilting his head back.

"Do what?"

"Stutter out of fear. You've been gone for way too long, and you cant get away from me in human form." His arms and hands were now blocking any way for me to turn and run.

"This was a mistake I'm sorry I bothered you, please let me go back to my-" He cut me off by grabbing my face super hard.

"Your what bitch? Husband? No I AM your husband. You married ME and MY brothers first. Just because you got balsy and ran away for over five centuries, doesn't mean there won't be consequences."

"But I don't even remember you."I whept shivering.

"You will after we are done. That's what Damon doesn't know. He wants you to remeber, but not yet. He thinks you looking at me will bring it back, but no. We will fuck the shit out of you, beat you. Everything we use to do, and then you'll remeber." He said looking straight into my eyes. I closed my eyes and turned my head. Damon please come and save me.

With that thought I opened my eyes and seen the big purple box around us, Damon was behind Lotin and was in full demon form.

"Get the fuck off of her Lotin." Damon said, his voice sounding inhuman.

Before anything else could be seen I fell through a hole in the ground. I looked up to see Lotin falling behind me. We kept falling and falling until eventually we landed in this wet black pond.

"He won't be able to find us here for a while my darling." Lotin said getting up. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me over to Leaum and Louie. I knew they were all brothers, but seeing the brothers together scared me.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I did. Please let me go, please." I sobbed looking up hoping Damon was falling behind us. But he didnt show.

"No no no. Don't think about him or we will hurt you more." Leaum said walking over to me. I slowly looked around to see fire on the walls, yet the room was so cold.

"Who the fuck are you people?!" I screamed standing up. "I'm fucking tierd of this!" Something then came down to the back of my head and hit me super hard. I fell to the ground and looked behind me to see Louie standing there with a metal chunk of something.

"Something you never knew how to do was shut the fuck up. I can't wait to teach you all your manners all over again." He said before stepping on my hand making it Crack under his foot.

"Please, stop!" I screamed out crying, only making him press harder.

"Enougb brother. We are about to take her to her room" Lotin interrupted.

My room? When will I at least remeber all of this. They can't be serious about torturing me. Thats just evil.

"We are evil Demari. We are real demons, unlike your pretty boyfriend." Leaum responded to my thoughts.

"He is a real demon, I've seen him in full form before." I said defending my lovers name.

They all laughed and it echoed like a warehouse. "Just because he looks like a demon, doesn't mean he acts like one." Louie said, before grabbing my forearm and dragging me to a red door.

We walked through the door and at first I couldn't see anything, until Lotin moved his hand and there was a small fore on the ceiling just for me to be able to see the room. I screamed and fell on the floor.

There was blood everywhere. Dried up blood, and hooks hanging from the ceiling, and barbwire all over the place.

"Do you like it?" Lotin questioned. "We remade it just for you." He put his hands on my shoulders and shoved me to the ground.

"Now we know it doesn't have a bed, we will get a dog bed for you don't worry." Leaum said walking infront of me.

"You guys are fucking sick." I spat with tears rolling down my face.

"We know."


Seriously like I said ive been trying to update more. Anyways go read Twice the Wrath and comment

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