Chapter 28

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We drove quite a while to find a morgue with the most fresh dead body. Thanks to Stacie we knew exactly the way.

Damon and I walked through the front doors to be greeted by a sweet older couple. I smiled ready to speak with them, but Damon hovered his twisted demonic hands over their faces clearly putting them in some sort of trance. This made me frown.

"You probably didn't have to do that ya'know." I said with crossed arms as I followed him through metal swinging doors.

"Yes I did my girl. Imagine working at a morgue and someone comes in asking to look at their most fresh dead body. The cops would have been called and I hate dealing with that, because I can't kill too many." Damon explained as he pulled out a metal bed with a beautiful middle aged woman with a slit throat. Her hair was short and dark, while her face was decorated with freckles.

"What happened to this woman?" I asked completely dropping the issue about hypnotizing the old couple. The beautiful corpse had me captivated. Is this what Deleigh looks like? Memories of the woman flood my head, but her face is never truly clear to me.

"She was in a horribly abusive relationship. She's one of the reasons a lot of women are afraid to leave abusive relationships. I pity her horribly." He says as he kisses the woman's forehead. I felt the strings on my heart tug.

"I will blow into her face, and you will hold her and invision Deleigh taking this body." He explains as he bends over and begins. I hold the corpses hand and try to invision the unclear face woman. Feeling the love we share as mother and daughter. Embracing the warm feeling her smell gives me. Slowly but surely I feel a pulse. And then I hear breathing. I look down to see the woman blinking.

"Madeline? Is that you?" She says looking at me as tears flood her eyes.

"Yes mama it's me. How long has it been? " I questioned pulling her into an embrace.

"Over a century since I've seen you I think." Deleigh says as if she's gathering old data.

"Oh? It's been 500 since the war.  But I wouldn't doubt that she found you after the war. " Damon says looking diwn at her.

Deleigh jumps up hissing at Damon. She was fearful and ran to the opposite side of the room.

"I've seen you, I've seen what you do. Stay away from us Demon." Deligh fights pointing at Damon.

"Hold on, hold on. He helped us okay." I tried to explain while holding her up.

"No girl! He had a man hanging from his ribcage." She whispers to me with terror in her eyes.

She must have seen something in the war, I thought to myself.

"I was only saving you. In the way I know how to save people I care for. You once cared for me like a son, and I hope we can get that relationship back." Damon says bowing his head.

Deleigh stood up, and approached Damon. "You have the face of that young man, but when I seen you. You were a demon." She said putting two fingers under his chin to lift his head.

"This is ture, just as Madeline is a goddess." He said as he raised an eyebrow.

She sat there in her thoughts for a moment. "I suppose I will trust you, for now." She said and she stood up. Her legs were wobbly for a few seconds but in no time she was fine.

"So what do we do now?" Stacie questioned as she burst through the doors with Lotin next to her. Just as I was about to say I wanted to go home and relax, Lotin smack the floor.

"Oh my gosh is he okay?" I questioned running to his aid, as Damon fussed at my actions. Lotin was shaking rapidly.

"Father?" Lotin questioned, and all of us froze. Is he speaking with Lucifer?

"No father, I haven't seen her." Lotin said with gritted teeth as he continued to flail. Suddenly his body jolted up.

"Madeline." Lotin said looking into my eyes. "My father wants you. My brothers started fighting, and he finally made the fall I knew he'd make." Lotin said with a twisted face. Something about him has changed again. His aura was dark, but his actions and voice were the same.

Damon froze at Lotin's words. "This will be a war if he doesn't back off." He stated walking out of the room. All of us including Deleigh followed closely behind. Damon flicked his hand at the elder couple.

"Have a nice day. Thank you for stopping by." The old woman said as I smiled and waved goodbye.

"Do I have no say so in this situation?" I questioned stopping right outside of the morgue entrance.

"Yeah, I feel like she deserves to voice her feelings." My dearest mother said stopping right by my side.

"No, I'm sorry. We can't afford for something to mess up." Stacie said. For the first time I felt like she hurt my feelings. Did she think I would mess things up, I asked myself.

My brain was running all over the place. Lucifer wanted me to be his bride. Why didn't he do this when I was powerful? Why now?

Because, you must be worth something.

These words boomed in my head, but it wasn't my inner consciousness. I liked around and my eyes fell on Lotin who was staring at me while walking. Everyone was focused and discussing the plan. But Lotin was silent.

The creator will pay. And you will be the product.

The voice boomed in my head as Lotin smirked evilly at me. What was going on with my once husband?

I sat and thought about when Lotin had passed out. Since then his vibe has been all off. Almost as if it wasn't him and was... I gasped before Lotin laughed.

"What's funny jackass?" Damon scoffed with a chuckle.

"Oh nothing. You guys will just have a little surprise party." He said as his body changed. A new skin wrapped itself around his. Suddenly it was no longer Lotin and one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen. He was angelic with the most evil look on his face.

It was Lucifer.

Yeah I suck at this. But soon this boom will end! After my next book ends is when the sequel will come. Honestly I didn't even know what this book was half way about until I read it myself LOL! But I hope you guys still love this, thank you for being supportive.

Follow my ig for sneak peeks and book cover ideas! @dabaddestb03

Read Twice the Wrath on my profile! After this book ends I will start publishing a new one called Fear the Reaper, it is actually based on some of my experiences. I hope you all love this!

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