Chapter 17

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AN. so idk how but this chapter published in the middle of me writing it so if you read it and was Luke wtf and it brought you back here the spicy stuff is done and completed LOL IM SORRY

I sat on the red silk looking at the walls. Seeing the whips again bring me to the realization Damon wasn't just kinky. He was a sadist. He had leather collars and leashes around.

"Damon..." I said before he placed a small kiss on my lips.

"Yes, my love?" He replied practically whispering in my ear sending shivers up my spine.

"I'm afraid. I've never had the sex that you have or whatever." I said and stared blankly at the wall trying to hide my embarrassment.

His laughed boomed around the room. "Oh, but you have. May times, but you remeber your sexual time with me until I make you orgasm."


"Lay on your stomach for me okay princess." He grabbing my chin making me look up at him. My stomach twisted and I felt heat between my legs rising. I just found out I'm a goddess yet this man can dominate and bend me to his will. Have I always allowed this? But I have to admit I'm ready for him. "Now I'm gonna blind fold you, and tie your hands together at my head board."

"I'm nervous." I said after he blinded me and binded my hands together.

"Don't be love. I'm going to make you feel absolutely amazing." He said placing small kisses down my back. He then slapped my ass. Like kinda hard. Harder enough that I yelped but it felt so good for some reason. "Now stick your ass in the air."

"What now?" I asked turning my head so my voice wasnt muffled by the pillow under my face.

"I want your ass in the air princess. Dont make me put it there for you."

"How can you even do th-" I wasnt able to finish my sentence because he put his hand under my stomach and pushed it up to get what he wanted.

"Now I'm not gonna stretch you out too bad." He said his voice getting slight more faint. I assumed this was because he was across the room. Then I heard him walk back over to me. "But if it's too much tell me so i can lower the level."

His hand pushed on the small of my back making me arch even more. He then placed something cold around my calves and then the forcefully spread apart. Inch my inch until it finally stopped.

"Is that comfortable princess?" He asked placing his hand on my ass cheek. I was completely exposed for him to see and couldnt even see his facial expression.

"Yes." I said burying face into the pillow.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled my head up not too harshly but just enough. "Yes, master princess." He corrected before dropping my head. My body was at such a weird slope. Now dont get me wrong I've done doggy before but my face was all the way down and my ass was all the way up.

"Yes, master." I said, befiee he practically moaned at my words as he rubbed my cheeks. He was positioned behind me. Then without warning he pushed three fingers inside me, and his other hand started to pmay with my clit. I let out a loud gasped and rolled my hips trying to move his finger so I wasnt overwhelmed with pleasure.

Before I could stop anything a hard slap came down on my ass. "Don't move darling. If you want to cum at least." He said before kissing the spot he slapped, his hands still working on me. Then he pulled his fingers out and it even sounded like he liked them. "Do you want me to fuck you princess?" He asked with his other hand still dancing around my clit.

I nodded my head, face still in the pillow to hide how red I felt my face getting. He moved on the bed and I could feel him directly behind me pretty much at my entrance. His hand slid under my chin pulling my face from the pillow.

"Use your words or you will be punished."

I gulped as his words alone made me more heated. My toes curled, and I tried to close my legs in fear that I was dripping everywhere but couldnt due to the contraption he had put between my calves. Another slap landed on my ass causing me to yell out.

"Yes, master." I said quietly. He dropped my head and I made sure it was om the side I guess so he could see my pretty face.

Quickly he pushed himself inside me without any time to adjust, slamming into me hard before pulling him self. "What was that?" He asked leaning in so his head was poking at me.

"Yes, master yes."I said whimpering.

"What do you want princess. Tell me."

"But-" And before I could finish my words he slammed in me once again making me cry out in pleasure this time staying still deep inside me. Slowly he started to move in and out as I let out soft moans around the room.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked me again slowly pushing himself all the way in. My body shivered as he no longer continued to move. I stayed quiet.  On purpose of course because I knew it wouldnt only make him more frustrated. Then he started to move at a regular pace building up my pleasure. He was moving back and forth hitting all the right spots making my body become weak. As he continued to move as he grabbed a fist full of my hair. "Do you want me to fuck you hard princess?" He said his cool breath hitting my ear.

"Yes, master please fuck me!" I exclaimed as my feet twisted. With that he blew through me. Destroying me mercilessly making me nearly fall flat on the bed. My mind was hazey as he moved at an inhuman speed with his hand firmly around my hip. "Oh my god!"

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back still going. "He has nothing to do with this princess. Now cum for me." He said as he wrapped his hand around me circling my clit making the pleasure become more and more intense.

"Oh my gosh thank you so fucking much!" I loudly moaned arching my back more.

"Cum for me baby." He growled some how going even faster. As he continued my body stated to shake as I climaxed. Damon groaned burying himself deep inside me as he did the same. "My gosh I fucking love you."

I remembered our sex life now. And wow. That's all I have to say is wow.


I hope yall liked this. Some how it was published and it wasnt done but I fixed it lmaooo. Please freaking comment on what yall liked because it gives me sum to do.  love yall sm thank you for taking me this far!


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