Chapter 25

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I can't believe I kissed him. At my own will. Lotins mouth was sapping around mine in a hungry rhythm.

"Why can't you just tell me?" I questioned before pulling away from his face.

"It's more fun this way." He rolled his eye. His hands were still roaming around my back.

"Okay, but everytime that I've been told I'll remeber when this, or that happens I still don't remeber. I only wanna fuck you because you told me I will remeber."

"Oh." He replied pressing his lips together.

"Will I remeber if I do this?" I asked looking into his purplish red eyes.

"I can't promise that. Louie... he.." Lotion said trailing off.

"Louie what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"His mother was a witch, and it passed to him. He put a fucking spell on you, Madeline. So that you could never be your complete self. So that you could never be one with Demari again." He lowered his head.

"Can anyone possibly help me?" I pushed before noticing the air in the room change.

"No. Stop. You're not leaving." Lotin said before grabbing my wrist digging his nails into it.

"If you loved me like you said you would have let me go!" I spat in his rlface scruntching my nose.

His eyes softened. "I do love you. But you don't love me."

"And loving me comes with you accepting me, and my decisions Lotin. I don't remeber anything, but I know I'm not as afraid of you, as I am your brothers." I explained grabbing his chin making him look at me. The son of Lucifer has tears in his eyes as he nodded.

"I will tell you what you wish my queen." He agreed with a frown. My heart broke for him. I seen pure love in his eyes when he looked at me. I stood up from his lap, and Before I could say anything else the door opens.

It was Leaum.

"Stacie. She is here." Leaum said looking at Lotin with a stern face.

"What does she want?" Lotin questioned with an idiotic expression.

"Well Madeline obviously. What do you want us to do brother?"

"Me and Madeline will speak to her." Lotin said standing up grabbing my arm. I silently walked with him to the door. "You, and Louie and fiddle off and do as you please."

Leaum paused for as second as if he was reading my mind and I kept it completely blank. Only looking and thinking of my surroundings.

"Okay, well she's in the throne room." Leaum stated before walking away down a long red fiery hallway. I looked around as we walked to the supposed throne room where I seen Stacie standing in full demon form.

"Stacie!" I yelled running towards her. Quickly we embraced eachother before she placed a huge needy kiss on my lips.

"My love are you okay?" She cried as her hands roamed my face and arms. "I swear to the gods, if she has too much damage done to her we will fest on your heart." She hissed looking behind me at Lotin.

"Well, Madeline has convinced me. I'm done here. I love her too much to keep her. Its my brothers that won't let her go though. They will start a war without me or my father permission." Lotin whispered to Stacie. Her eyes grew.

"Really Lotin? You'd do that?" She asked with a glint in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Yes. I once cared for all of you. Maybe one day I can fix this. But not until I claim the name of Satan." He said with a sarcastic tone.

"You said you'd tell me anything I wanna know right. Do that with Stacie here."I said looking between the both of them.

"Well, we can't do that in this room. We shouldn't really even be talking in here. I'll bring you two to my chambers where we can speak with open minds." Lotin said gesturing to the hallways.

I looked over to Stacie who nodded her head. Finally I was getting the answers all the questions I've come across since getting my job at the bar. Finally after walking through seemingly endless hallways we arrived at Lotins room. Quickly I observed a very basic human like room. The air was cool, and smelled like a Wal-Mart air freshener.

"We should be able to talk in silence here." Lotin said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What is my full history with you?" I quickly asked sitting in a chair across from him.

"Straight to the point huh?" He asked raising his eyebrows with a nervous smile.

"Yes, please. Help me be one with Demari." I pleaded looking straight into his red eyes.

"You were my bride many moons ago. We fell in love. Genuine pure love. But of course being Lucifer's heir I had to ask for permission to marry you. During our visit here in hell you caught the attention of my younger brothers. I don't believe they loved you, but their lust for you was unbearable. So they cried like little bitches to my father. However father still agreed, but only if I agreed to them marrying you as well. At the time I thought I would be okay with that, only if it ment I could be with you. But I was wrong." He explained before there was a long silence.

"That's when Lotin lost himself." Stacie said looking at me with sadness. "Isn't it?" She questioned looking at him.

His head hung low as he nodded. What did all of this mean?

Suddenly quiet sobs escaped Lotins lips.

"They kept raping you, and I wasn't allowed to do anything about it. And I ended up losing myself, and eventually just joined them. I became what I hated the most." He said between cries.

As he explained everything things came rushing back. I slightly remember some of my life. Although I left really disgusted with Lotin right now I needed to know about my love.

"And what's your history with Damon?" I asked making him look up.

"Now that is a much longer story to tell beautiful." Lotin said with a slight chuckle.

"This should be fun." Stacie said with a laugh.

I hoped me knowing all of this information will help me feel okay being myself. Hoped that this information would show me who I really am.


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Alllssooooooo go read Twice the Wrath if you haven't yet I think yall might like it

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