Chapter 26

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"Gosh this was so long ago. A young demon army was given to my father from Hades as apart of a treaty almost. Damon was in training and of course I happened to be the teacher. Damon grew from a small imp like demon into a huge incubus in no time. In that short time we became close." Lotion started choking on his words before continuing, "I hated my brothers and Damon was there for me. I had lost my love due to my damned awful brothers, so I made Damon my brother."

"Where was I at this point?" I questioned. A large part of me was confused as I know Damon, Stacie, and I were born around the same time.

"You had left me. You left Hell and killed your body, sending your souls somewhere else to be recreated and born as a human. I didn't know at the time the girl Damon was so obsessed with, Madeline , was you. "He replied said with a somber tone. "When I found out who you were by following him and Stacie I freaked and destroyed that relationship with my Damon. I was so angry I joined my other brothers and started the war."

"My ears started ringing. It was so bad they felt like they would be gushing blood by now. My neck tensed up and I closed my eyes. Those two words rang in my head like a loud church bell. The war.

"We have to go before Damon comes here, and starts another war." Stacie said standing up and pulling me up with her.

"Yes, of course. We all are going to have to leave hell. I'm afraid that after I help with the escape I will be banished and executed anyways." Latin said getting up and opening the door, and instead of the long dark hallway there was nothing but fire.

My heart dropped. They trapped us, and I'm going to be stuck here. Sobs escaped my lips before Stacie gripped my hand tightly.

"Hey calm down. I opened that fire portal to your apartment. Don't worry." She said looking at me with her beautiful red eyes. Quickly I calmed down and gathered myself before we all walked through the fire wall, and directly into my living room.

"Gosh it is good to be home." I said flopping on my couch. Just as I thought I was going to be able to relax I heard footstep. Big chunky footsteps out in the hallway. Excitement ran through my body but also fear. He's gonna know that I was volunteering to sleep with Lotin if it meant I would remember everything. He's going to see Lotin sitting on the recliner.

My thoughts were cut short by the door flying open. In my doorway stood Damon tall and worried. He quickly ran over to and kissed me all over my face. "I love you so fucking much, I was there-." Damon stopped mid-sentence and turned his head to Lotin. In the blink of an eye Damon was fully in demon form ready to rip Lotin apart.

"Stop Damon he helped me get Madeline out of hell and away from his brothers." Stacie said standing up infrint of Lotin.

"It doesn't even matter. That doesn't excuse everything he's put her through!" Damon's voice boomed.

"He is sorry! He gives up you can have her dude. But if this comes to another fight we are gonna want him on our side this time." Stacie shouted shoving Damon's body back despite her still being in her human body.

Lotion stood up. His tall shaking frame walked closer to Damon. "I am sorry. My judgment has been doubted for long. For years my decisions have been watched unless I was home. I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted to help before but now I can, because I've banished myself." Sobs flooded his sentence. "I should have never been so mad at you brother and I'm sorry!" I stared at Damon, and I wondered. How could a terrifying demon look so sad. A single tear slid down his gray cheek.

"If you are lying, I will kill you." Damon said with a hatful yet painful voice.
"I swear to The Gods I am not lying." Lotin said with his hand over his heart.

"I'm sorry, but you guys are demons. Does swearing to The Gods even matter to you?" I questioned putting my elbows on my knees.

"Absolutely it does. You are one of The Gods, my love."Damon said as he walked closer to me after he has gone back into his human body. "You see some demons really have no morals at all. They don't really have respect for any god at all. But a good majority of them have respect for all if not at least one."

All of this information just left me more puzzled at the end of the conversations. "Oh. Do I know these other gods?"

"Yeah you do. Some of them are your brothers and sisters." Stacie said with a very positive smile. She was trying her best to keep me happy and I love her so much for that.

"Wait! Lotin!" I yelled jumping up.


"Can you help us get my mothers soul back?" I pled hold my hands together.

"I actually may be able to help retrieve her soul. I have a witch friend that I like to spend time with," He  choked on his words before continuing. "She might be able to pull the soul from hell without actually going there." Lotin explained with a nod.

"You can do this for us. You can help up. But I fucking mean it. I'm watching you. The second you betray me your going to be dust. No rebirth nothing I will stake you in the heart." Damon said looking at Lotin.

Lotin nodded his head again. "I understand brother."

"Stop calling me that we aren't to that point yet Lotin. Right now we just need to focus on finding Deleigh and getting her into the absolute most fresh dead body in a few hundred mile radius." Damon explained before looking at me. He places a very passionate yet soft kiss on my lips.

"We are going to have to travel to LA to meet her." Lotin said interrupting the kiss.

"Well that fucking sucks because Madeline can't teleport or even run that fast." Stacie said after slapping her phone down in her lap.

"I can just drive. I will meet you guys there if anything." I volunteered so we could still complete this mission successfully.

"That's fine I'll drive her. You get some good food and eat, You go talk to the witch girl and make sure she's prepared. We will see you guys in 24 hours now go." Damon demanded as he pointed to Stacie, then Lotin before very quickly packing some clothes for me. He walked back into the living room and groaned. "I said fucking go!"

Lotin and Stacie vanished before I was rushed out of my apartment. He's being so fucking pushy gosh.

Hey y'all I've come to the conclusion that updates will take me literally forever unless I'm feeling extremely motivated, at that point I will update like 7 chapters on this and my other book

Twice the Wrath (has 2 vampire dudes) but it's very dark and not for everyone

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