Chapter 29

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"You will never be as good as your brother!" My father screamed at me as I cower on soft floor beneath me.

"Sorry for not being your precious fucking savior."

I gasped for air as I held my throat choking myself. What the hell? I let go and looked around me. Everyone was down covering their eyes, due to the bright shunting light in the morgue parking lot. My eyes fluttered around seemingly not phased by the light. Standing above me was Lucifer, looking down. It was him that was shining so brightly. He bent down before whispering to me. "Come with me or I will kill them all right now." His voice was cold and threatening. He held his hand out and I hesitantly grab it. Slowly I stood up and followed him into a black portal. Sadness fell over me as I looked back, longing to hug everyone goodbye before whatever might happen. But I couldn't. Eventually the portal closed behind us and I was unable to see the people I cared for anymore.

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed looking at Lucifer. I must admit, he was so handsome but he had a shadow that made everyone feel the true evil in his soul.

"My dear sweet girl. You really do not know yourself." Lucifer took a step towards me and softly touched my face. "You will be the mother of the anti-Christ. It will be.... Beautiful." He spoke as if it was an orgasmic dream of his.

"Why are you choosing me now?! I've been around your family for so many years." I exclaimed with anger.

"That was before I knew you were Hera's daughter." He looked at me with a smirk.

Who the hell is Hera? I scanned my own mind at least twice. Nothing was clicking. Lucifer sighed at my confusion.

"Well, that was anti climactic." He shook his head before grabbing my arm harshly and taking me to a big beautiful dining room.

"I will win you over. I will convince you. I will absolutely black mail you." He said smiling at me as he seated me at one end of the table.

"You can't blackmail someone who doesn't have anything to be blackmailed with." I said with a smug look.

"Oh, but thats the thing Madeline. I have plenty. I know the names of your entire family. And boy is there drama." Lucifer said as he rested his head on his hand.

"You- you know who my actual parents are? Do I even have actual parents?" I questioned leaning forward.

"Ha! This may be easier than I thought. Well of course I know, I am Lucifer  after all." He paused before looking into my eyes. His eyes were now pitch black. I tried to look away and around the room nut my eyes were met either by him, or my own reflection which now had pitch black eyes as well.

"Zeus had just gotten Demeter pregnant with Persephone. You know these names from earth, yes?" He asked for permission to continue. I nodded my head as it dawned on me. Was he talking about the goddess Hera? "As you can imagine Zeus' wife , Hera, was pissed off. As everyone know Zeus is a man whore. Id be angry and embarrassed too. So for like the first actual time ever, Hera got her payback. She didnt just go fuck anyone, she fucked GOD. Like the God. When Zeus found out he wanted to kill the Christian God, but as you may know his army is beyond massive. Trust me ive seen it." Lucifer laughed loudly. I felt as if he was mocking Hera for a lot of this conversation. "Zeus didnt want you in Olympus, so it was in everyone's best interest for you to stay in heaven. It was there that I watched my creator. My Father. Take care of a small growing girl in a closed off section. You were going to be trained." 

I looked at him dumbfounded. How could this possibly be true? "Was I not born from the flames like the ones I love?" I questioned. This couldn't be the truth because I remember being born with them.

Lucifer hid his smile as his body jolted with silent laughter. "Yes, after some time. You and God kinda got into this huge fight after Jesus came back to life, and you kinda jumped from heaven. You must have gone through a process, and made the decision to be reborn. That's the only way this kind of thing happens." He continued to explain a process that i didn't care enough to stay mentally present for.

"What is it that you really want from me Lucifer?" I asked, cutting him off mid-sentence.

He paused. Then he started to smile. It crept all around the room. The mirror like walls were now patterned with a jagged demonic smile. Then everything went black.

"Marry me, birth my strongest child. And then help me take over heaven. Me and you together could take over much more than the world. We could take over every crook and cranny of existence." Lucifer's voice came out as a hard whisper right against my ear. Before I could speak I fell from the ground beneath me just to come up from the ground where everyone had hidden their eyes. One by one they all let out a loud groan.

"What happened?" Damon said as he stood up.

I looked over to Lotin who was slowly standing up. "My father used my skin. I feel fucking terrible. I'm not sure where he went."

Stacie and Mom looked at me suspiciously, almost as if the knew what had actually happened. I didn't want to tell anyone about me and Lucifer's conversation.

"Did you see anything Madeline? Did he talk to you, or anything?" Damon asked looking at me with soft worried eyes. I looked at my love and so badly wanted to tell him the truth, but it wouldn't only cause a huge fight, it could be dangerous for them to know everything. Especially when I don't even know if its the actual truth.

"No. Just that super bright light before I shut my eyes." I lied. What else was I supposed to do? Their lives could very well be a stake. I wasn't willing to risk the people I loved because I was trigger happy. 

Lotin sighed. "Come on, we have to find sanctuary. My brothers are fighting, and if it comes to earth it will literally be Hell." He explained as he grabbed a phone out of Damon's pocket.

"So whats the plan? You think two demons, and a spawn of Lucifer can enter a church freely?" Stacie said with a laugh, causing the group to halt.

"I may know a place." Deleigh said. Her face was shy as she held her hand slightly in the air.


Hello everyone soory sorry for taking so long. I've been writing on a laptop, and I think it motivates me to not only write more, but write better so that's super cool. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. PLEASE comment lol, they make me laugh constantly.

Also how do you guys like the cover change? It's my own artwork!

Love you guys.

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