Chapter 21

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I watched her body go limp as I didn't remove the vibrator after her cumming for the tenth time.

"I can't take it anymore, master." Madeline panted.

I leaned down and kissed her tear covered face. "Yes you can baby. You've taken much worse."

Everything I've just done to her would break any human girl, but Madeline has gone through actual torture, and took it like a champ.

"I need a break seriously." She begged. I unchained her, and helped her up.

"I'm sorry princess. I just had to remind you I'm always in charge. Even if you are a goddess." I said soflty touching her face.

She crawled into my lap and hugged me. "You always make me feel so good, even when you punish me." She whispered.

There was then a loud knock at my door. And I knew it was someone I didn't like. "Stay here Madeline."I said very seriously.

I walked to my door and opened it to be met with the eyes of Lotin. The eldest L brother. The leader.

"Hello, old friend. Where is my wife?" Lotin asked Leaning against the door.

"She is my wife." I hissed. "Stay away. We dont need another war.

"She doesn't know you as her husband. But she doesn't know me as her husband either I suppose. Leaum really scrambled her brain with that last rebirth."

My eyes widened. "I knew you guys had something to do with the rebirth. Where is Deleighs soul?" I asked. At this point I was ready to negotiate.

"I want my wif-"

"She's not your damn wife! You cannot speak to her, if she didn't remeber everything when meeting Leaum, she will when meeting you again. You stay the fuck away from her, or I promise both of us will fight the war."

"Deligh is fine. Actually. She's very helpful. She feels much like Madeline did all those years ago." Lotin replied with an evil smirk. This man was incubus and vampire. Since he was a vampire that stopped him from coming in, but not speaking.

"You're a fucking rapist." I spat in disgust.

"And you're a borderline rapist." Lotin said and laughed. "I'm only doing what our kind is SUPPOSED to do. Just because you push them to say yes, doesn't make you better than me kid."

"Damon what's going on?" Madeline said about to walk around the corner.

"Madeline! Do not walk into the living room please!" I yelled in fear of her seeing him.

"Is that her? Let me see her! MADELINE COME HERE NOW!" Lotin yelled losing control. I could smell the fear coming from Madeline, which made me feel safe she wouldn't come into site.

"Don't listen to him baby, stay there." I assured her.

"If you keep her from me, I will hurt her. And I will make you watch. You stole my fucking wife."

"No Demari left you. There was a reason. When she becomes one with Madeline again, maybe ask her why." And with that I shut the door in his face.

He stood there legitimately crying screaming, "SHE IS MINE GIVE HER BACK I NEED HER!"

"Are you okay Madeline?" I asked peaking around the hallway corner.

"Yes, but who was that. He called me his wife... I thought I was your wife?" She questioned as the screaming stopped and Lotin walked away.

"Long before you met me, he and his brothers had you brain washed. You were married to all three of them, and they would just assult you nonstop. Eventually you gave yourself to the fire, only to he reborn with me and Stacie."

I tried to scan her thoughts but could find nothing. I didn't want her to remebr everything. I wanted us to live I'm peace finally, but I should have known with the L brothers alive, we would never find that peace. Once Demari comes back, she will kill all 3 of them. I wouldn't be surprised if she tortured them back.

"I don't remember that name. Why can't I see what he looks like?" She asked looking up at me woth the sweetest eyes ever.

"If you lay eyes on him, I'm afraid you'll remember everything. I thought you would woth Leaum but obviously not. Lotin is more powerful than his brothers and could easily throw everything at you."

"Are you fucking serious?" She asked with a now very pissed off look.

"The whole reaosn I was mad earlier was I couldn't remember, and you just threw away a chance for me to remember? You're such a dick!" She yelled, walking towards the door.

I flashed infront of her, "No you cannot leave. He could be out there waiting on you."

"Yeah well at least I would remeber everything about myself."

"You don't understand princess. You went through hell and back, literally. With those memories comes a lot of trauma. And you're seriously not ready for all of it." Not only that, but I couldn't handle it of she hated me the way she did them. The last tome I spoke with Demari she was so upset I didn't help her fight. I didn't see the point in fighting. Not until now.

"What happened to me?" She asked, her tone once again changing to fearfully sweet.

"They sexually tortued you. Like you'd be begging for them to stop and they wouldn't. They would take you to the middle of Town Hell, and put you on display for everyone. At least that's what they have told me." I said with sorrow in my voice. I can't believe my love was ever treated like that. Lotin never loved Demari, he liked the power she gave him, and that was all.


Yall probably like waaaat? But I promise this is leading up to something massive, anyways check my profile for my new book Twice The Wrath. It's super dark and kinda abusive so like don't read it if you're not into that

Also I'm a whore for comments so do that

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