Chapter 7

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I looked around the foggy dark room. The sound of water dripping echoed around me. Where was I? A tall dark figure walked towards me from the shadows. It was Damon. Only this time he was taller. So tall I was nearly frightened. His skin was even more light than usual. My gaze drifted to his hands. His fingers were long and had sharp long nails. I slowly started to back up.

"Are you scared of me Madeline?" He asked still slowly inching towards me.

I paused for a moment. Even though I was intimidated I wasn't scared. "N-no."

His nail grazed against my check before pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think you are. I think you like it."

"What are you doing to me?" I practically moaned. His touch made me shudder. My chest was moving up and down. I could feel heat radiating off of his body.

"I am giving you what you want." He answered looking straight into my eyes. His lips then crashed on mine. He was rough and passionate. I kissed back without a second thought. His hands were roaming all over my body.

Then I broke the kiss."Wait. Where are we?" I asked looking around?

His face became sad. No lust. No desire. Just sadness. He looked at me and his eyes were now black. His face morphing was something evil. This was truly scaring me.

"Go, Madeline!" He yelled, but his voice was deep and sinister.

My body jolted up and i was gasping for air. That dream wasn't like the one before. It had actually scared me. Should I tell Damon about it? Maybe not he might just think that's weird. I should ask him later when we go out. My gaze moved to my watch, and I gasped when I saw it was three o'clock already.

I proceeded to get ready. After my shower, I chose an outfit that accentuated my curves. A dark red pencil skirt climbed around my thick thighs. Underneath the skirt, I wore a black bodysuit with long sleeves. How should I do my hair? A few minutes later I decided to straighten it. My make up consisted of eyelashes and a light concealer to bring out my eyes. After doing my makeup I looked at the clock again and it was already five.

A knock on the door erupted through the house. I walked to the door and opened it to see Damon. "Couldn't wait to see me huh?" I asked with pride.

"Of course not. May I come in?" He replied. I opened the door all the way to let him in.

"Well, I got ready faster than I thought I would. Would you like something to drink?" I asked walking to the kitchen.

"I'm not sure. What do you have?" He asked following behind me?

"Water," I responded with a laugh. I walked up to the sink and grabbed a cup. "So what's the real reason you came so early?"

"I needed to show you something." He said walking up behind me pressing his front to my back. His hand wrapped around my breast as he buried his face in my neck leaving kisses. Small moans escaped my lips as he started to bite and suck at my neck. His hands traveled up and down my hips. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you," I whispered. He pushed me down to lean over the counter. His hand traveled down my back and then in between my legs lifting my skirt. I slightly arched my back before he unclasped my body suite. His fingers went back and forth teasing my wet entrance. Then I felt his hand pull away. I gazed behind me seeing him read into his shirt pocket to grab the vibrating egg I saw yesterday.

"You're going to have this against your clit for our entire date." He said with an evil smirk. I gulped hard and started to blush. "Hold it in place while I button your top back." My hand went down to hold the little blue egg against my clit. His fingers fiddled around buttoning the bodysuit back.

I stood up straight and pull down my skirt. "We should get going. It's already five twenty."

"Yes, we should. We have to leave really soon because it's a 30 min drive, sometimes more with traffic." He said before walking towards the door. I followed him and locked my door behind me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked down to his car.

"A restaurant called La Bonve. I know a lot of people that go there." He answered before opening my door for me, and then getting in himself.

"I've never heard of it. Is it fancy? Because that is why I dressed so pretty." I said with a laugh.

"It's kinda fancy. That's why I dressed like this as well." He said starting the car. My gaze drifted to his outfit. It was completely black. The tie, pants shirt, everything and it looked sexy.

"You look very nice." I complimented. He smiles every once in a while but this one was different. His place ivory face had a pink blush spread across his cheeks.

"Thank you, Madeline. I think you look stunning." He said. After he said that I was the one blushing.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. I looked at a huge statue I had never seen before. It was beautiful. Two people were kissing and they had nothing but leaves covering themselves. Although I couldn't read the plaque I had made stories in my head about what the statue meant. All of them were about love obviously. I'm such a hopeless romantic.

"We are here," Damon said pushing me out of my thoughts. My eye widened as I looked at the beautiful building. It was made out of black bricks and tinted glass that you couldn't see through from the outside.

"It's beautiful," I said as he started to get out of the car. It looked like he was walking over to open my door, but before he could I got out. I don't need someone to do everything for me.

"A few people might try to talk to you. And the same with me. This place might be fancy but everyone here is a whore." He said placing his hand on the small of my back.

"Oh. I may not seem like it but I'm a very shy person." I said fiddling with my thumbs. What is a girl that looked better than me approached him? I mean hell, last night he went to a party with me and made out with a whole different girl in front of me. It's not like he's my boyfriend though. This is just now our first real date.

"Don't worry." He said looking down at me. "I won't talk to anyone but you dear." His eyes were so beautiful. Nothing about his was unattractive. Everything was beautiful.

Alright, don't hate me it's been like 2 weeks since I've updated. But today tomorrow and the next day should have updates or I might just update these all at once. I don't have wifi because IM GOING ON A CRUISE TO THE BAHAMAS. I've never really left Indiana (My home state) other than Ohio and Michigan. But I went to Florida and flew for the first time in my life so I have been busy. Thank you for being so patient loves❤.

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