Chapter 10

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Damon's eyes flashed. I saw it. Just for a sliver of a second, they were black. "I don't know what you're talking about." He clenched his jaw and knotted his eyebrows together.

"Do not lie to me! Do you think I'm some kind of fool?" I shouted. My body felt like it was on fire. Nothing but rage was flowing through me now. I hate it when people lie to me.

"Madeline, calm down. Please." He said. His face was now soft.

I felt bad because I'm usually able to stay pretty calm and in control of my actions. But nothing gets me angrier than when someone lies to me. I sat down and took a breath.

"Why are you getting so upset?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"I-I'm sorry, I just got mad. You were lying to me, and I could tell. I hate being lied to Damon. Always tell me the truth even if it hurts." I said trying to stay calm. It wasn't easy for me to stay calm, because I was still very mad. However, it was bearable.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, Damon."

He paused, but I gave him a look saying 'Do not fucking lie to me'. "She was my wife. The literal love of my life, but she wanted something to happen that couldn't. Simply because we can't make the others stop."

"What 'others'? Why did she tell you that you betrayed her?"

"H-how do you know about that?" He said with a surprised expression.

"My dreams. I had one after that guy literally turned into a monster. I don't remember much because I must have gotten knocked out or something. Then I had a dream about you and her."

"Who is that guy?" He asked after drawing back.

"Someone that I have been talking to after you cut me off," I said popping my hip out, and bobbing my head side to side. His face looked unsettled. I could tell he wasn't the happiest with that. "Forget that though. Why did she say that?"

He sighed. "There are other things like me, and they do what I do without being told to. And it is wrong but they are strong and no-one can stop them. Just like no one could stop me if I chose to act like them."

"Others like you? What does that mean?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him?

"I don't want to have this conversation right now, Madeline." He said looking at me. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Okay, but you have to tell me eventually today it tomorrow. I keep dreaming about you, and now I see this after he attacked me."

"He attacked you?" Damon shouted. Fury was written all over his face like a book. His jaw was clenched so hard you'd think his teeth would break.

"Ye-yes. But he didn't do too much damage he just knocked me out."

"You listen to me. Do not go around him. Where is he at? I know why he did that. He wanted to fucking show you what happened. THAT FUCKUNG BASTARD!" He was running his hands through his hair nervously.

I walked up to him and grabbed his wrist. "It's okay. He's gone now." As I gazed into his beautiful golden eyes I could feel our faces getting closer and closer. Within seconds we were kissing. I loved the sweet taste of his lips. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My back now to the wall.

"Is everything okay? I heard- oh." Stacie said walking in and immediately backed up.

"Don't come in," Damon said with a strong tone.

"Okay then." She said while closing the door.

"We could have stopped for her to-" He cut me off by kissing me hard. It was like all of my body was aching for him. His lips traveled down my jawline leaving a tingling feeling. I then pulled away. "I promised the girls we would hang out tonight."

"Ugh okay, well can I hang out with you?" He asked with thirst puppy eyes.

"You wanna hang out with three girls?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. I want to hang out with you, and if they are there then that's fine I suppose." He said with a small smile. I was so confused now. A few weeks ago he was cold and acted as if he didn't want me, now all of the sudden he wants to hang out with specifically me. I hated liars and mixed signal so I can only hope he isn't a liar. The way he spoke of Leaum was as if he knew his almost.
I'm sorry this took so long to update but here is the first smut in this story. It took some times because of some personal issues but I promise I'm trying to write more. I hope you like it! (Add on: I'm sorry this is short asf and I changed it lol)


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