Chapter 24

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I was exhausted. These brothers had tortured me to the brink of death. Blood was spewing from everywhere, even my palms. Which had hooks through them.

"You've broken my heart Madeline." Lotin said with a lowly hung head.

"I don't know you. I'm sorry for anything I've done." I cried. "Please let me sleep."

"Oh no, you must stay awake for the-" Leaum's voice was cut off by the door behind me flinging open. The aura in the room quickly changed.

"I see you've found your bride." A deep and malevolent voice said from behind me. All three of the brothers lowered their heads and bowed.

"Hello, father." They chanted together.

"As you see yes, we have. These constant duals we have with Damon are getting out of hand though. I recommend we start a war with Hades." Lotin said quickly reclaiming his confidence.

"I personally disagree. You already have seventy five percent of Hell. Letting Hades keep his main kingdom is doing nothing to directly effect you. Just because some pathetic demon, that you gave him is rebellious doesn't mean you should start a war." Leaun butted in.

Through their conversation I quickly learned the being behind me was Lucifer. After I found out about all these demons, and me being part of a goddess soul, I sort of doubted the experience of him. Only to be taught all of these Gods and demons were real. They had territory.

"Regardless, Leaum is right. Lotin why do you have such distasteful Ideas? Always wanting war. Grow up." Lucifer said before exiting the room. Leaum and Louie started laughing at Lotin, making him hiss. Quickly they stopped laughing an apologized.

"Can you guys leave me alone with her? Just for a while." Lotin asked, but it sounded more like an order. The other brother exited the room before Lotin removed my hands from the chained hooks. He started to kiss and lick where two bloody holes in my palms were. "I love you Madeline. You may not know it but soon you will remeber."

"I have never loved you. I couldn't love someone as evil as you." I spat yanking my hand away from Lotins face.

"You don't know that." He rolled his eyes scoffing. "You can't remember anything yet anyways." He stated before kissing my cheek. With that he walked away locking the big red door behind him.


A few more days have passed and this awful mental and physical torture finally came to an end. Now I just sat alone in the lifeless room most hours. I missed Damon, and Stacie so much. Whoever the only person I even found myself talking to here was Lotin. Despite the fact that he was the one who chose to inclift the most pain on me, he was also the only one bringing me food.

These three brothers wouldn't shut the fuck up about how much they loved, and missed me. And I didn't believe any of them, but if I did believe one of them. Just one. It would be Lotin. He would sometimes have tears in his eyes when asking me to love him once more. Part of me felt bad that I didn't remeber or feel anything for him. Suddenly Lotin himself rushes through the door slamming and then locking it behind him.

"Those mother fuckers are so fake." He said, seemingly talking to himself. I almost responded but then kept my mouth shut. "I apologize for barging in. Family quarl." He mentioned answering a question I didn't even ask out loud. I turned my head away from facing him. Today wasn't a day I felt like talking. I missed my loves.

Instead of a nasty comment Lotin just sighs and sits on the concert floor.

"What? You want me to ask what's wrong? Let you find comfort in me?" I questioned irritability.

"Sort of, yeah. Thousands of years ago you would have." He said with a low hung head. "You think I WANTED to share you with my brothers? No. But the older brother must share everything with his younger brothers. So my father says."

"I don't remember anything. I've told you this." I said bringing my knees to my chest. The thought of knowing I can't remeber him or anything other than being a goddess, fucking Damon, and meeting Damon and Stacie bothered me.

"I want you to just remeber without me telling you." He growled turning his head towars me. However his head was still hung low.

"I would appreciate if you you'd just tell me." I softly spoke.

He let out a long loud sigh. "My mother, she is not Lilith. My father wife I mean. Lucifer had an affair before Lilith had a child. It was my birth that made Lilith want children, so her line would always be superior." He explained.

This was interesting, to say the least. But the reason I was waiting so egarly at the edge of my seat was because I wanted to know when I became involved. Call me self obsessed all you want.

"I was treated so differently as a child. Growing up I was told no countless times. Eventually rumors go around saying a Goddess unknown to man had given birth, and my father didn't like that. That reason being my father only knew what humans knew. That baby was you. I was about 8 years of age then, but looked almost exactly like this."

Lotin told me about how I quickly grew into a full goddess, and my mother was slaughtered by Lucifer. I was apparently cast out into hell, and that's where I met Lotin. He tells a story of us falling in love, and him being violent but not like he is now. That all came to a stop when Leaum laid eyes on me. He wanted me just as his elder brother did. Then finally the youngest Louie. Since all the brothers couldn't stop fighting over me, and breaking me horribly in the process Lucifer ordered them to share. And after a few hundered years I killed myself.

Souls were like humans in hell, if you were sent there. So my goddess self had to leave my human self leaving me defenseless for a few hundred years.

"This is all so much." I whispered to myself.

Lotin grabbed my hand and kissed it. "If you agree to sleep with me willingly, you will remeber it all for yourself. I'm willing to leave my brothers sides, if you're willing to leave Damon and Stacie's."

"I- I don't know. They mean a lot to me. I don't know that I could ever leave them.." I trailed off lowering myself in my shoulders.

"They are not what you think, my love. At least Damon isn't." He said in a soft tone. However nothing was charming about the moment. I was curious to what he meant about Damon not being what I think.

"What do you mean?" I questioned knotting my brows together.

Lotin's face grew into a wide smile. "It's better you find out yourself my queen."

Hey guys, I've decided imma do a series. This is not ending Herr DONT WORRY lol. Just I'm maybe 20 more chapters or something. My chapters are relatively short, so like yk I'm sorry. I love you bro.

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