Chapter 20

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"Hello, Madeline how are you?" Leaum yelled over the loud illusion.

"I'm great actually. Going through some pretty life changing events." I said being honest. Despite Damon and Stacie clearly disliking him, he was really kind to me, other than the time he scared me so badly.

"Really? That's good I'm glad to hear that!" He exclaimed with a sly smile on his face. And then it clicked. He knew what was happening, but I was still going to play it off.

"Yeah, I really needed some change in my life anyways. Things were getting quite boring."

"Oh I would assume. Two weak demons really aren't able to give a goddess everything she needs." Leaum replied staring straight into my eyes.

"Enough." Damon said coldly from a dark corner, after making the illusion disappear. He was angry about the comment Leaum made. They made eye contact and sat there for about 30 second before Damon finally said, "You're not the one she was meant for, that's why we please her just fine."

"What?" I asked looking back and forth between both men.

"Oh you haven't told her who I am Damon?" Leaum asked stoking my arm before I yanked it away. I stared Damon in the eyes waiting on full response. With in the time of me blinking Damon was standing infront of Leaum, with his hand wrapped around his throat.

"I brung you here to warn you. Don't start something you can't finish again." Damon spat before releasing Leaum.

"Lotin will be glad to hear your warning." Leaum replied. He walked to the doorway of the club. "Tell Stacie we said hello as well." And with that he left. I was eager to know what all the tension was about.

"Who is Lotin?" I asked a little nervously.

"Someone we all use to know ." Stacie stated walking towards us from the dark. I don't think Leaum knew she was here.

"Most of my memory is still really foggy. I don't remember meeting Leaum in a previous life, or anyone named Lotin.

"That's okay. that means we can show you what you really need to remember and no unnecessary shit." Damon butted in still glaring at the door way that Louie walked out of. I thought about what he said for a second. Despite I know many things could bring me pain I would much rather know the full truth and not only a s version of it. 

"But, I want to remember everything though." I said with an aggravated tone.

"There is certain things you really just don't need to remember love." Damon said looking over to me while talking with his hands.

"I don't care what you think I need. I want, and need to remember this shit. If you try to stop me that is dead wrong!" I exclaimed getting quite frustrated.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me." He said with a short cold tone. the golden eyes i loved were now a blood red.

"Or what? punishment? I'm not some pet Damon, you told me that I'm your soulmate. I can yell AS MUCH AS I WANT!" I ended up shouting from the top of my lungs.

"Stacie, I'm ordering you an uber. Me and Madeline have some business we need to attend to." Damon said as waves of anger were radiating off of him.

"Damon, calm down remember she's human right now." Stacie said from behind him touching his shoulder.

His head turned 365 degrees. "So she should talk to me as if she were one, instead of and unlocked all powerful goddess." His tone was cold, and evil.

"No Stacie it's okay. I'm just going to get myself an uber home." I said pulling my phone out, but before I could even click anything Damon grabbed it, and crushed it in his hand.

"Well imma go outside and wait for the Uber. I will see you tonight Mads." Stacie said leaving the club.

"What. The fuck. Was that?" I spat, my voice dripping in anger.

Damon had his focus on the wall, before he touched it. A black sludgy portal to his house opened right there on the wall. He paced over to me and grabbed me by the back of my neck forcing me through the portal.

"Get the fuck in here." Damon said coldly tossing me towards the ground.

He has never treated me like this, what is going on.

"Oh yes, I have. And maybe next time you'll keep your cool, but I've said that so many times." Damon responded to my thoughts.

"What just made you so angry?" I asked, as I started to almost cry.

Damon didn't didn't look like he felt bad. "You yelled at me, after Leaum was saying how I wasn't enough for you!"

"Him saying that had nothing to do with why I was mad!" I yelled back.

"Get the fuck up."

"What?" I asked not processing what was happening. Damon had my forearm in his hand dragging me to the black room.

He picked me up and threw me belly first on the bed. Before I could turn over he cuffed my hands to the head of the bed, with cuffs that had no fur. He then grabbed the same metal spreader he used last time, only this time he spread my legs apart even more, before cuffing my ankles down.

"Arch that ass slut." Damon demanded. Despite the fact that this was honestly hurting my feelings. I felt so heated. I wanted to know what would happen next. I poked my ass further in the air and a flogger came down hard on it.

"Damon it hurts." I cried out, and he did it again ever harder.

"Who!?" He exclaimed before shoving something huge inside me, and taking it out, before repeating the same process.


"Please what princess?" He asked with a dark seductive tone, as he pushed one of his fingers in my ass.

"Please give me more." I moaned giving up. I wanted this so badly. I guess I'm the masochist, to his sadist.

"Oh I'm going to do to you, what I did to you the first time you fucked someone else."


Hey guys I know it's literally he forever. I'm gonna try n write more, and also write a new story. The new one I write will be dark and like low-key abusive, more than this one is so just throwing that out there LOL. But I'm about to start wringing chapter 21 rn bros. Pls comment, it makes me happy

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