1. introduction

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Hello everyone. This book won't be like my others (well I guess it sort of will be.) The whole reason I even wrote this book is because one of my best friends was begging me to write a book with minimal to no drama or conflict. (There will be minimal.)

This book is going to be similar to my other one called 'still friends,' but the characters and playout is very different. The only two things alike are that Billie and the main character have been best friends for a long time and are neighbours.

My bestie came up with all the names and character traits and we planned the plot together as well as finding face claims.

If you'd rather skip the face claims and imagine them for yourself then feel free to move to the next chapter.

Maddison-Mady 18

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18. Birthday-August 18th
-diagnosed with ADHD
-energetic and spontaneous
-billie is the only one who calls her 'mads'

 Birthday-August 18th-diagnosed with ADHD-energetic and spontaneous-billie is the only one who calls her 'mads'

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Joey- Joe
Maddison's older sister.
-studying marine biology
-lives with her boyfriend
-best friends with Mady

-studying marine biology-lives with her boyfriend -best friends with Mady

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Maddison's younger sister.
-artist on TikTok
-picks too many fights with Mady

LeonMady's dad, often referred to as Papi-outgoing and friendly-the 'fun' dad

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Mady's dad, often referred to as Papi
-outgoing and friendly
-the 'fun' dad

AdamMaddy's dad-sets the boundaries -makes horrible dad jokes-supportive and realistic

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Maddy's dad
-sets the boundaries
-makes horrible dad jokes
-supportive and realistic

AdamMaddy's dad-sets the boundaries -makes horrible dad jokes-supportive and realistic

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Maddy's best friend
-dating Drew
-has stick and poke tattoos from when he was 15
-relaxed and laid back

Maddy's best friend -dating Drew-has stick and poke tattoos from when he was 15 -relaxed and laid back

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-Joey's boyfriend
-Calm and funny

22-Joey's boyfriend-Calm and funny

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Maddy's boyfriend

The rest of the cast is played as themselves (but obviously fictional). These include Maggie Baird, Patrick O'Connell, Finneas, Billie Eilish, Claudia Sulewski, and Drew.

Enjoy the book!

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