4. make him jealous

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"I'm so hungry," Zayden whines from across the couch, dragging out the 'o' in 'so'.

"If Joey and Braz would hurry the fuck up, we could eat," Billie adds. with an eye roll.

"Ya'll need to learn some patience," I retort.

"Or Joey and Braz could learn how to get places on time," Zayden snapped back.

"We're here!" Joey announces, pushing open the door with Braz by her side. "Sorry we're late, the cupcakes took longer than I thought."

"You're forgiven," Zayden smiles her mood doing a complete 180 as she snatched the Tupperware filled with cupcakes from Joey's arms.

"Hey Braz," I smile. Braz and Joey have been dating for three years and moved in together a year ago. I like Braz, I can tell he's good for Joey. Braz brought new energy to our family, he's my big brother in a sense. He's calm and collected and is good at grounding the family since he's the only male who isn't gay.

"Joey!" Claudia exclaims running into her arms. Joey and Claudia quickly became good friends when Finneas started dating her. They are sort of similar when talking about fashion and personalities, but their interests are somewhat different. For example, Claudia is into film, acting, and creating digital art whereas Joey is into animals, marine biology, and writing. They both want to save the earth though.

"Papi," I called out to my dad.

"Yes?" He came into the living room from the kitchen.

"We're all here," I smiled, excited to see what he and Maggie cooked up this week. Ever since we moved in my parents and Billie's parents became close and every Friday we have dinner together. It's always my favourite day of the week.

"Ah, perfect," Papi said as he began gathering everyone into the dining room. Papi, he's my Hispanic dad, he also teaches us most of our school while my other dad works at a garden house they own together. My dads met when they were teens and started having kids when they were in their late twenties. Joey and I 'come from' Papi aka Leon and Zayden 'comes from' dad (Adam).

We all sat down in our usual spots at the O'Connell's dining table while Maggie and Papi finished setting out all the food.

"Zayden," dad whisper yelled, making her look up from her phone. She gave him a 'what?' look and he pointed to her phone. She rolled her eyes before finally putting it away in her pocket and joining the conversation at hand.

"How's the greenhouse going?" Patrick asked.

"Really good. We are in the works to add a little cafe onto the side of it," dad explained.

"Oh my god, that will be so cute," Claudia smiled, Finneas nodding in agreement.

"Are you going to have to hire more people?" Maggie questioned.

"A few, we've been trying to convince Miss. Zayden over here to work for us," Papi put a hand on her shoulder.

"Papi, you know I'm way too invested in basketball."

"I know dear, and you've been doing amazing," he smiled.

"We've been meaning to come watch sometime. When's your next game?" Finneas asked, taking a sip of water.

"Next Thursday," she smiled.

"We'll all be there," Patrick announced.

"Speaking of hiring more people, why don't you hire Mady?" Billie chimed in and I gave her a playful shove.

"We've been trying to," Dad shook his head. See, I would work for them but I feel like if I did that, I'd get no extra time. I'm already flooded with homework every night and I don't feel like I need the money at this point.

"Joey, how's school going?" Claudia asked her.

"Same old. Studying how humans are destroying our ocean every day can be exhausting," she joked.

"Way to ruin to mood," Braz chuckled.

Once the conversations came to a close and our bellies were full, everyone began dispursing to their own places in the house and outside. Billie and I wanted some peace and quiet so we ran over to my house and cuddled up on my bed.

My phone lit up with a Snapchat notification from, you guessed it, Erik. "Erik hasn't stopped snapping me all week," I groaned, tossing my phone down beside me.

"Have you been responding?" Billie questioned.

"No, I leave him on opened."

"Let me see," she smirked, grabbing my phone and opening the snap. "Baby, please come back," she mocked, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Stop," I giggled.

"Wait, you wanna make him mad?"

"Maybe?" I dragged out questioningly.

"You should pretend me and you hooked up," she smirked, "he'd be so mad he missed it. Then you can block him," she chuckled.

"I'm so down, give me a hickey and I'll send him a snap," I agreed. She nodded her head and I slipped off my hoodie, leaving me in just my bra. "Ready?" I asked, holding my phone in position. She nodded her head, leaning into my neck and began sucking the soft sensitive skin while I filmed. Once she made a mark she licked it and I ended the video, giggling as we both looked at the mark she made.

"You should do that more often," I joked with a wink.

"Careful what you wish for," she said in a sing-song voice.

I rolled my eyes with a snort, watching the video and making sure it looked good before sending it off to Erik and blocking him. "All done," I sighed tossing my phone down on the bed and pulling my hoodie back on.

"I wish I was there to see his reaction," she chuckled, I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I stated before walking across the hall. After finishing I walked back into her room to find her laying on my bed, her black hair now up in a messy bun.

"Damn, you're hot," I exclaimed, hopping onto her bed as she scoffed.

"Don't do that, you really are beautiful," I said on a more serious note.

"You are too," she smiled softly.


A/N: This is all a little fruity.

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