13. good

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A/N: I'm back bitches. Soooo, re-read if you've forgotten things and tell me what you want to see! Oh also, I didn't edit this lol.

(This is for you onion <3.)


It's been a week, one of the best weeks of my life if I'm being honest. The constant cuddles leading to make-out sessions and the deep conversations, it's all I could ever ask for. My feelings for Billie have been growing stronger with every passing day. We arent 'official' or exclusive but when Billie isn't working she's at my house, she hasn't been doing anything else, she's always here; I'm not complaining.

"Why couldn't I graduate at fucking 14 years old?" I groaned, slamming my laptop shut.

"Woah, easy girl," Billie smirked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No, you don't get it. This shit is so frustrating," I rolled my eyes.

"So tense," she teased, leaning closer to my face, ghosting her lips over mine.

"You have no idea," I whispered before connecting her lips to mine. She pulled me closer, lifting me up and setting me on top of her lap as our lips continued. The kiss was desperate, I was desperate but it was slow and sensual. Her hands shifted to my hips and I couldn't help myself but begin thrusting gently.

I removed my lips from hers, quickly brushing her hair away from her neck and leaning down to place soft kisses. "We 'boutta fuck?" Billie whispered. I stopped my movements, chuckling into her neck before burying my face into the crook of her neck.

"What?" She giggled.

"You totally just ruined the mood," I chuckled into her neck. She gently grabbed both sides of my face and made me look at her again. "I did not," she shook her head.

"Mhm, yep. You did," I nodded.

"Well, damn. Next time I'll be careful what I say."

"Yeah, you do that," I rolled off her lap, laying down next to her. I looked up at her, her demeanour changing into one filled with nerves.

"What's up?" I asked, placing a hand in hers.

"I have like a question and it's probably really stupid. I don't know if it's stupid or not but I-"

"Billie," I laughed, cutting her off. "Take a deep breath and ask me your stupid question."

She turned to me, scanning my face and I gave her a reassuring smile. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Like officially or whatever the fuck..."

My little smile turned into a beam and I nodded my head eagerly, "Of course I want to! Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Duh," she laughed, laying down and facing me.

"Good," I smiled.

"Good," she kissed me sweetly.


"Papi, dad, can I talk to you?"

I don't know why I'm nervous to tell them. They're literally gay, but it's still weird to put it all out there and have them know.

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