7. what was that for?

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A/N: Just to clarify, it will always be Mady's POV unless stated otherwise.


"I don't understand why we're taking my trashy car when Dragon is sitting in your driveway," I say as I focus on the road in front of me.

"Because I don't want to focus on the road," Billie shrugs and I glance over at her to see her already looking at me.

"Are you sure it's not because you'd rather focus on staring at me?" I chuckle questioningly. I have felt her eyes burning holes into the side of my face for this entire ride and I'm wondering if it's because she's about to tell me what's been going on for the last few days.

When she doesn't reply I look over at her again to see her staring at her phone in a daze. "Billie?" I call out to get her attention.


"Nevermind," I shake my head. I've asked her way too many times if something is wrong and she's made it blatantly clear that she doesn't want to tell me. I don't want to pressure her into telling me anything but it's eating me away. After thirteen years of friendship, I would hope she knows she could tell me anything without any judgement coming from me.

After a few minutes I pull up at a large grey building, "We're here," I announce, watching Billie lift her head.

"Hey, you're gonna kill this interview," I tell her, she just simply nods in response before opening the door and walking inside, leaving me to ponder on what just happened.


"I don't know, she's just been acting weird," I shrug.

"You've known her basically your entire life and she's never acted this way?" Joey asks.

"Not to this extent no" I shake my head.

"I'm sure she'll tell you soon," Joey assured me. "Let's do something," she smiles.

"Like what?" I raise a brow.

"We have just enough time to bake some cookies before you have to go pick her up," she smiles.

"Nah," I sulk.

"Stop being a baby," Joey grabs my hands and pulls me off the couch and into her kitchen. I hopped up onto the kitchen counter, watching Joey pull out the ingredients for the cookies she wants to make.

"I'm just scared that there's something seriously wrong and she's too afraid to tell me," I admit, staring down at my dangling feet.

"Mady, she will talk to you yet, I promise," she gently smiles, "now help me make these."

After a few minutes, the cookies are in the oven being baked. I should add, these aren't even good cookies. My dads raised us as vegans and they know how to make some bomb vegan cookies but Joey is currently on this health kick and she uses this gross sweetener that doesn't even taste good.

"These are so good," Joey sighs happily as she takes a bite of the cookie.

"I gotta go pick up Billie," I mutter, dragging myself off the couch.

"Cheer up," Joey smiles.

"Yeah," I force a smile before leaving her apartment and picking up Billie.
The ride back to our houses is quiet which isn't normal. Usually, after press Billie rants about how annoying it is, but not today.

"How was the interview?" I ask curiously.

"Same as always," she mumbles.

"Okay," I say, focusing back on the road.

A few hours later we are cuddled up next to each other on my bed, watching some random show on Netflix. Although none of us are doing much watching, instead she's distracted on her phone and my brain is racing with possibilities of what could possibly be going on in her life.

"Mady?" Billie mutters quietly, I turn my head to look at her. She looks visibly nervous which makes me furrow my brows.

"Thanks for always being here," she smiles softly.

"Thank you," I smile. She silently places a hand on my cheek and rubs her thumb on my cheekbone, staring at my lips before she leans in and presses her lips to mine.
I kiss her back and she deepens it by entering her tongue into my mouth. I smile into the kiss, a little confused. We don't make out unless we're drunk and I know for a fact that she's 100% sober.

I pull away, giggling slightly as she looks away. "What was that for?" I ask.

"I don't know," she shrugs. I don't think anything of it except that whatever has been on her mind is probably making her a lot more clingy. I don't mind, I'd do anything for her.


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